golf fitness
By Alex ForteyOften we are told to eat carbohydrates (sugar) before a high intensity athletic activity. It?s true these carbs get stored in the muscles and help us perform better, but there is a fine line between good glycogen stores and bad. Fast high sugar ? such as you would get from a chocolate bar ? will give you a boost, but an inevitable crash is sure to follow. This type of sugar may be okay, and even preferred before a high intensity hour-long gym workout, but as for golf nutrition, there needs to be longevity with the glycogen stores. Although golf contains spurts of high intensity energy, endurance is a necessity to be able to carry you through the three to five hour golf game.
Golf nutrition choices are equally as important as pre-gym food choices. For example, you would not eat a heavy cheeseburger and fries before a big gym workout, but this seems to be the norm for many afternoon or evening golfers. Maintaining focus on the course highly affects the outcome of our game, and giving your body the proper golf nutrition before tee-ing off will not only carry you through those 18 holes physically, but it will also keep focus on your mental golf game.
We all know that nothing goes better with an afternoon golf game than some beers on the course. This is not frowned upon, however, if you want to remain focussed on your mental golf game, limiting the number of brewskis consumed is a must. Albeit drinking on the course is fun, keeping hydrated (with water) is vitally important, especially in the hotter summer months. For general well-being, the recommended water dosage is a minimum of two litres per day.
For golf nutrition, this amount should be consumed on the course alone. Water assists in muscle repair and the best way to keep joints lubricated and working properly is to keep them well oiled by excess amounts of water. This will also prevent the late afternoon beer headache and a possible golf hangover the next day; alcohol and body recovery wise. Another simple yet effective way to help prevent a really sore golf body the day after is by snacking on protein throughout the golf game. As muscles are made up primarily of protein it is imperative for good golf nutrition to feed these muscles while they?re being exerted. Having a few snacks in your golf bag is a must; and I don?t mean chips, chocolate bars or any other junk from a vending machine.
It must be real food that contains protein such as nuts, a meat-filled sandwich or even a protein supplement bar or shake. Any of these power foods will help repair muscle, increasing the power in your golf swing, in turn giving you a better score. It not only matters what you eat to help improve your golf game, but also when you eat it.
To improve your golf nutrition, keep an eye on what you consume before a game, your water intake and make sure you?re snacking on protein throughout your game. Doing these few things consistently will help get you get better results and lower scores.
Alex Fortey was a Professional golf tour player, and is a strength and conditioning golf professional who provides custom specialized programs, nutrition, coaching and training to develop athletic golf physiques for club golfers to tour wannabe professionals. Visit for more.
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