The HSUS makes room for canine, feline storm victims
Please make a special donation to our Disaster Relief Fund to help these animals.
Over the Labor Day weekend, our Animal Rescue Team moved 161 cats and dogs by truck from the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter in Louisiana, located in an area coping with power outages and flooding after Hurricane Isaac.
Delivering these pets to our Emergency Placement Partners for adoption outside the storm zone freed up much-needed space for the animals beginning to swamp local shelters. We are thankful to the Humane Society of Charlotte, N.C., for not only taking Isaac animals into their adoption program, but also for providing their facility as a central location for other placement partners to pick up their own Isaac animals from our transport.
Throughout the weekend, good Samaritans have been bringing in stray animals, and owners have been seeking temporary housing for their pets. Our team members take pictures of each stray animal and tweet the photos for Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter to help owners find their pets.
Other residents are facing the difficult decision of having to possibly relinquish their pets because their homes are uninhabitable.
The Humane Society of the United States is glad to be able to help the shelter and the residents in so many affected communities.
Please make an emergency donation to our Disaster Relief Fund to help the animals displaced by Isaac.
Making a disaster plan now will pay off later when an emergency strikes in your area. If you have a collection of food, water, leashes, a carrier and catbox, a photo of you with your pet, and so forth, you'll be very thankful if you have to evacuate unexpectedly. Sometimes there is very little warning before you have to flee, as with wildfires or tornadoes.
If you haven't done so already, make a disaster plan for you and your pets and get a kit of supplies together.
Be a part of our team
Your donation to our Disaster Relief Fund allows us to help more animals in the wake of Hurricane Isaac. Please make a donation today to our Disaster Relief Fund.
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