Sunday, September 30, 2012

How physicists can tilt the odds in roulette

If you want to beat the house at roulette, it helps to think like a physicist.

A simple model of the motion of a roulette wheel and ball, based on physics principles and confirmed by experiments on an actual wheel, has revealed two ways of overcoming the usual odds against roulette players.

The key, the modelers found, is knowing the precise location of the ball and the relative speeds of the ball and wheel when the croupier ? the casino worker in charge of the game ? sets the wheel in motion and releases the ball.

"Knowing the initial conditions allows you to beat the odds," said Michael Small, a statistician at the University of Western Australia in Perth, who carried out the study with Chi Kong Tse of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. "In some cases you can beat them quite significantly."

The simpler method the pair tested involves careful observation and recording of the initial conditions by an individual or team of players. In experiments on a roulette wheel in a laboratory, the method produced predicted earnings of almost 20 percent instead of the expected loss of about 2.7 percent for a European-style wheel. In U.S. casinos, the odds tilt further in the house's favor because the wheel contains one extra space.

The other approach, using a digital camera mounted above the wheel to obtain the same data, provided better predictions. But for gamblers it presents the obvious problem of how to conceal the equipment in a security-conscious casino.

Look for a slant
And yet another factor increased the chances of beating the house even further.

"A very slight slant in the roulette table, could ... substantially enhance returns," the two researchers reported in the journal Chaos.

Small and Tse used high-school calculus and physics ? specifically, the branch known as classical mechanics ? to develop their model. They wrote down equations to predict the path the ball would take once the croupier releases it.

"We extrapolate that prediction to the point where the ball hits one of the deflectors ? the raised bumps in the wheel's rim that are added to increase the random bouncing of the ball," Small explained. "Then we make a guess as to what portion of the wheel the ball is likely to land in."

The pair tested their model on a standard casino roulette wheel installed in Tse's laboratory. Small recorded on a computer the times at which the ball and a specific part of the roulette wheel passed a fixed point on the frame supporting the wheel.

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    3. How physics can tilt the odds in roulette
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"You basically press a button when the ball passes a certain point and then use that timing to make a prediction," Small said.

Predicting the half of the wheel in which the ball would settle would allow a gambler to bet on a combination of numbers with some confidence.

In 22 trials, Small and Tse predicted the correct half 13 times. Overall that would have earned them 18 percent profit on a theoretical stake, they report.

"It is clear that in principle one should be able to make some predictions, given sufficient information," said Holger Dullin of the University of Sydney in Australia. "The paper by Small and Tse did a good analysis."

History of scientific roulette
The concept of using scientific understanding to beat the house isn?t new. In the late 1970s the "Eudaemons," a group of physics postgraduates, used theoretical insights and a rudimentary computer concealed in a shoe to win at roulette in Nevada in the 1970s. But since they didn?t publish their research, nobody outside their team knows the details of how they did it.

On the heels of this new research, however, J. Doyne Farmer, a group member who is now a professor of mathematics at Oxford, has written a report on the exploit that he plans to submit for publication.

"Small and Tse get some aspects of roulette prediction right," Farmer said. ?"I can?t say whether their system would work, but I'm sure it is not as good as ours."

Small and Tse extended their research by taking advantage of modern technology. They mounted a digital camera directly above their roulette wheel to obtain better measurements of the physical parameters. In 700 trials, they confirmed the validity of their model and identified certain numbers on the wheel in which the ball settled preferentially.

Strategies for both sides
The study suggests strategies for both sides of the roulette wheel.

"If you wish to beat the house, look for a wheel for which the ball drops only from one side of the rim ? that is, a crooked table," Small said. "Prediction becomes substantially simpler and more reliable."

However, Small warned that roulette "is a game of chance. Even if the odds are in your favor, there is still a probability of losing, and losing big. In the long run you would come out ahead but you may first need very deep pockets."

And Small also has some advice for casino owners.

"Train the croupiers to spin the ball when they release it, and make sure that the tables are level and the air conditioning is working," Small said, to allow for any influence of air resistance.

Small insists that his interest in gambling is purely theoretical. He has broken even in casinos by refusing to gamble there.

"On one occasion I lost $20 on cocktails," Small recalled. "And on another I gained $20, which I found on the floor."

More about scientific gambling:

A former science editor of Newsweek, Peter Gwynne is a freelance science writer based on Cape Cod, Mass.


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Potentially dangerous new malaria mosquito identified

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? University of Notre Dame entomologists are part of a team of researchers that recently discovered a potentially dangerous new malaria-transmitting mosquito. The as yet unnamed, and previously unreported, mosquito breeds in the western areas of Kenya and has an unknown DNA match to any of the existing malaria-transmitting species.

The Anopheles species of mosquitoes which transmits malaria in Africa is already widely studied by researchers. It prefers to rest indoors during the day and feed on humans during the night. Current malaria control programs, including spraying of insecticides and using insecticide-treated bed nets, are designed with these behaviors in mind.

Although the new species has never been implicated in the transmission of malaria, new discoveries in its biting habits pose a threat because it was found to be active outdoors and prefers to bite people earlier in the evening, soon after sunset, when people are not protected by current malaria control techniques.

Neil Lobo, a Notre Dame research associate professor and Brandy St. Laurent, a former Notre Dame doctoral student, joined forces on the team of researchers that made the discovery. y Frank Collins, Notre Dame's George and Winifred Clark Professor of Biology, Collins was principal investigator of the Malaria Transmission Consortium effort funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The discovery was announced in a paper whose lead author was Jennifer Stevenson of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Notre Dame, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

World Communications Day: The power of social networks and their ...

World Communications Day: The power of social networks and their role in Evangelization

YoutubeSeptember 29, 2012. ( VIDEO-) The Vatican has released its theme for the 47th World Communications Day:?It's??Social Networks: Portals of Truth and Faith; New Spaces for Evangelization.

The Church recognizes that the world of digital communication is a major tool for evangelization, especially since it can lead people to God. The ability to promote that dialogue will be discussed on May 12th, 2013, during World Communications Day.

This annual tradition was established by the Second Vatican Council and is celebrated on the Sunday before Pentecost. Traditionally, the Pope publishes a special message every year on January 24th, which marks the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Building A Custom Pergola Attached To Your Home | Home ...

This easy-to-follow article provides the step-by-step instructions, so that you can learn to build a pergola attached to your home. Even though this is a complex woodworking project, you can easily accomplish the job by yourself if you follow our tutorial. An attached pergola is incredibly functional, and it creates an outdoor room where you can relax alone or entertain friends. Since there are a variety of different designs, this tutorial covers the basics that are applicable in your custom pergola.

Laying Out Your Pergola
Setting out the corners of the pergola is essential, and we recommend accurate measurements. If you do not have much experience in construction projects, you can benefit from the assistance of a handy friend. Most jobs also proceed smoother with help from a friend, and a pergola can be started and finished over the course of a weekend.

A customized pergola is a great way to add value to your home, and the structures are durable while they provide an outdoor room for your family. Since the type of materials that are used affects the quality of your project, we recommend using pressure-treated lumber, cedar or redwood. These materials are ideal for exterior applications and are designed to resist decay and insects.

-8-9-feet-long 4?4 or 6?6 posts
-3-, 4- and 6-inch wood screws or nails.
-Concrete tube forms
-Adjustable metal post anchors
-2?10 Supports
-2?8 Ledgers
-2?2 slats for shade
-Cement, sand and gravel

Attaching your Pergola
Pergola 300x222 Building A Custom Pergola Attached To Your HomeAfter you have decided the length and width of your pergola, it is time to lay out the corners. To finish your construction project like a pro, batter boards should be set at each of the two corners away from the home. A string line is then run between the home and the boards. This line is the perimeter of your new pergola and provides the exact location for each of the supporting posts.

Using the string line as a guide, a 3-feet-deep hole is required for each of the posts. In the bottom of the hole, a layer of sand or gravel ensures a solid foundation. Tube forms are then set into the hold and are anchored directly to the posts. We recommend setting the posts, plumbing them with a level, and allowing the cement to set for at least 48 hours.

Once the cement has hardened, you can install the 2?8 ledger board against the home. This board needs to be level and should be secured with 4-inch galvanized screws or nails. Now that you have the ledger board attached to the home, you can run the remaining 2?10 beams around the perimeter. The beams should rest on top of the posts for a secure foundation.

Adding Shade Elements
Shade elements can easily turn your outdoor room into a comfortable oasis during the summer and an inviting retreat in the fall and spring as well. Adding more 2?2 slats creates more shade, and fewer slats allow more sun to enter your pergola. Either method works and depends on your landscape and your desires. The slats should be installed perpendicular to the shortest dimension of your pergola, and steel anchors are readily available to ensure the shades are securely held in place.

Adding a Decorative Touch with Custom Shade Elements
Fastening the shade elements square is fine, but cutting a design into the edges of the boards makes a customized pergola. You can easily make up your own pattern. After one of the boards has been cut to your liking, simply use this as a pattern and you can trace the rest of the shade boards from the same piece of lumber.

Finishing the Pergola with Putty and Stain
Completing your project like a professional( will ensure a lasting pergola that provides years of service to your family. It is essential to cover any small holes with putty to prevent water damage. Sometimes, nails and screws will leave minor holes, but these are easily patched with wood putty. Sealing the lumber with a quality stain is also a good idea and will allow you to enjoy your pergola with fewer routine maintenance chores. We recommend applying several coats of a high-quality polyurethane stain that is designed for exterior woodworking projects.

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Leena Menghaney: Indias Patent Law on Trial | EMMEGI AGENZIA ...

India 2011 ? Claudio Tommasini

Protesters carry signs outside Novartis's Mumbai office on Worlds AIDS Day.

This piece originally appeared on BMJ Group Blogs.

This month, two critical legal battles between multinational pharmaceutical companies and the Indian government are taking center stage in an ongoing struggle over India?s medicines patent law. The potential consequences could be dire for governments and people in developing countries that rely on affordable, quality generic medicines produced in India. For example, more than 80% of antiretrovirals (ARVs) used by donor funded HIV treatment programmes globally between 2003 and 2008 were sourced from generic manufacturers in India. [1]

At stake are public health safeguards within India?s patent law that allow India to provide life saving drugs at affordable prices. One case goes to the heart of what merits a patent. The other addresses what countries can do when patented life saving medicines are priced out of reach for the vast majority of patients.

India?s 1970 Patents Act was a watershed law designed to encourage the development and production of low-cost generic medicines. Over time, it helped India become the ?pharmacy of the developing world,? with generic manufacturers competing for markets and thereby dramatically driving down prices of medicines that were patented elsewhere. For example, the cost of first generation HIV treatment dropped from over $10,000 per patient per year in 2000 to $350 by 2001. Today, improved first line treatment costs roughly $120 yearly. [2]

By joining the World Trade Organization in 1995, India became obligated to start granting pharmaceutical patents within a decade. But in 2005, the country adopted a strict medicines patent law that, while ensuring patent protection for new pharmaceutical compounds, makes it tougher to get a patent on new forms of existing medicines. The law was designed with the social objective of stopping drug giants from indulging in ?evergreening,? a common abusive patenting practice in the pharmaceutical industry aimed at filing and then obtaining separate patents relating to different aspects of the same medicine.

This tougher patentability standard?Section 3d of India?s patent law?is at the crux of Swiss company Novartis? six year legal battle against the Indian government, which has now reached India?s Supreme Court. Novartis is contesting the Indian patent office?s and appellate body?s decision to reject the company?s application for a secondary patent on the salt form of imatinib, a life saving drug for treating chronic myeloid leukemia. (The basic research that led to the original drug was conducted largely in publicly funded US research institutions. [3])

Novartis is arguing that the interpretation of Section 3(d) as applied by the courts and patent office is narrow and should be broadened, in this case, for example, to allow patenting of the mesylate salt form of imatinib on the basis of a 30% increase in bioavailability. But this reasoning is flawed, according to patient and public interest groups. Selecting a particular salt of an active ingredient as a means of improving bioavailability is a common practice within the pharmaceutical industry, and should not be considered patentable.

A win for Novartis would set a dangerous precedent, severely weakening India?s legal norms against evergreening and inevitably leading to patents being granted far more widely in the country. Filing patent applications covering simple changes in the chemistry or formulation of existing pharmaceutical products is a lucrative game for the pharmaceutical business, but also a deadly one for patients: it would prevent generic competition for these products and allow pharmaceutical companies to continue charging high prices, which can mean the difference between life and death.

The second case now playing out in India?s courts revolves around the issue of ?compulsory licensing,? a legal mechanism sanctioned by international trade law that allows governments to authorise production of a medicine by a company other than its patent holder, in the interest of public health. In March 2012, India?s Patent Controller took the unprecedented step of issuing a compulsory license to an Indian generic manufacturer: with German pharmaceutical company Bayer charging $5,500 per person per month in India for a kidney and liver cancer medicine (sorafenib tosylate, marketed as Nexavar), the Indian government deemed this price unaffordable and granted a compulsory license to generic manufacturer Natco. As a result, a generic version is now available for 97% less ($175/month).

India has faced political backlash from the US for this landmark move, one which health advocates and patients worldwide hope will set a precedent for other life-saving medicines deemed unaffordable. For example, unlike first-generation ARVs, several of the newest HIV medicines?needed by patients who have become resistant to their drug regimens?are patented in India, preventing generic competition. One of them is the integrase inhibitor raltegravir, which M?decins Sans Fronti?res (MSF) uses in its Mumbai clinic to treat people who developed resistance to two drug regimens, at a cost of $1,750 per person/year?for just one drug of a needed triple drug cocktail.

Bayer has appealed India?s granting of a compulsory license, and the case is now with the country?s Intellectual Property Appellate Board?and may, like the Novartis case, eventually reach India?s highest court. The world is watching closely, as these cases could have a profound impact on access to life saving medicines for millions of people worldwide.

Leena Menghaney is a lawyer and India manager of the Access Campaign at M?decins Sans Fronti?res.


[1] Waning B, Diedrichsen E, Moon S. A lifeline to treatment: the role of Indian generic manufacturers in supplying antiretroviral medicines to developing countries. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2012. 13:35
[2] Untangling the Web of Antiretroviral Price Reductions. M?decins Sans Fronti?res Access Campaign. 15th Edition. July 2012.
[3] Don?t abuse patents: scientists. Op-ed by Dr Brian Druker., Wall Street Journal. 15 August 2007.


Posted by Veronica Ugolini on 28/09/2012. Filed under HEALTH. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


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AP Interview: Iran opposition chief see rebirth

FILE - In this Jan. 25, 2011 file photo, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian opposition party National Council of Resistance of Iran, smiles as she attends an international conference on Iran policy in Brussels. Maryam Rajavi, the Paris-based head of the exiled opposition group, said in an interview that she hopes the organization can now have the ear of the world's diplomats to help bolster its bid to overthrow Iran's clerical regime. She stressed that its goal was to replace the Islamic Republic with a democratic government, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 25, 2011 file photo, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian opposition party National Council of Resistance of Iran, smiles as she attends an international conference on Iran policy in Brussels. Maryam Rajavi, the Paris-based head of the exiled opposition group, said in an interview that she hopes the organization can now have the ear of the world's diplomats to help bolster its bid to overthrow Iran's clerical regime. She stressed that its goal was to replace the Islamic Republic with a democratic government, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)

(AP) ? The leader of an Iranian militant group that was taken off the U.S. terror list on Friday says the move will change her group's "balance of power" with the world ? predicting a higher profile in politics, fundraising and diplomacy as well as increased anti-regime activity in Iran.

The U.S. State Department said the People's Mujahedeen of Iran (MEK) hasn't committed terror for more than a decade. The decision means that effective immediately, any assets the group has in the United States are unblocked and Americans are permitted to do business with the organization.

Maryam Rajavi, the Paris-based head of the exiled opposition group, said in a rare interview that she hopes the organization can now have the ear of the world's diplomats to help bolster its bid to overthrow Iran's clerical regime. She stressed that its goal was to replace the Islamic Republic with a democratic government.

Rajavi praised the "courage" of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for what MEK believes was a long overdue decision. A court order had given Clinton until Oct. 1 to act. The group was removed from the European Union's terrorist list in 2009.

"It now has become evident for everyone that these (terror) allegations were untrue," she said. "This is a movement for freedom and democracy in Iran."

The Iranian regime is likely to be furious at the U.S. decision to delist MEK ? for years the only armed exile opposition group. The group, which began as a guerrilla movement fighting Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, helped overthrow the monarch in 1979 then quickly fell out with the Islamic Republic's first leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

MEK later teamed up with Iraq to battle Iran in an eight-year war in the 1980s, then from its Iraqi base continued military action against neighboring Iran.

A senior State Department official said Washington does not view the group as an opposition movement that can promote democratic values in Iran. The official briefed reporters on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

"They are not part of our picture in terms of the future of Iran," the official said.

Still, the U.S. credited the group's 3,000-plus members at a paramilitary base near Iraq's border with Iran with a peaceful departure to another camp, a major step in their eventual departure from Iraq.

The United States contends the group was responsible for the killing of several American military officials and defense contractors in the 1970s, carrying out attacks on Iran from its base in Iraq.

Rajavi, 58, wore what has become a trademark headscarf among MEK women during the interview Friday at MEK's headquarters in the leafy town of Auvers-Sur-Oise north of Paris. She denied claims by critics that MEK has all the earmarks of a cult, blaming Iran for such allegations.

"All the energy and potential of our movement were chained" during the 15 years that MEK was listed by the United States as a terrorist organization, she said, speaking in French as well as the Iranian language of Farsi through a translator.

At its headquarters, the group was preparing for a jubilant fete on Saturday, plastering walls on the street with red drapes and photographs of "martyrs," as it refers to members who have been killed.

"The diplomatic scene will be completely different" because the group's status as a pariah will evaporate, Rajavi said, reiterating MEK's long-standing denial of terrorism.

But, she said, "the most important impact ... will be seen inside Iran."

"The balance of power, the balance of power is going to change. For example, the first message for the Iranian people will be they won't fear increasing their activity and increasing their demonstrations," she said. The fear "will evaporate ... and that will lead to the expansion of anti-regime activities within Iran."

With a clean bill of health in the West, the Iranian regime "will no longer have the excuse" of acting against an organization deemed terrorist by the United States.

Mujahedeen, protected in Iraq under dictator Saddam Hussein, were disarmed after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and are disliked by the new Iraqi government, dominated by Shiite Muslims like those in Iran.

The United States had insisted the MEK's members leave Camp Ashraf, their home in Iraq, as a condition for removal from the terrorist list. All but several hundred militants are now located in Camp Liberty, a former U.S. base outside Baghdad, looking for placement in third countries.

Among those transferred to Camp Liberty were Rajavi's 30-year-old daughter and her 32-year-old son, she said.

A veil of mystery has long surrounded the group, not the least over the whereabouts of its main founder, Massoud Rajavi, who married Maryam and, though not seen since at least 2003, continues as its co-leader.

There has been speculation that he is dead. Rajavi said Friday he is alive but would not say where he is living.


Bradley Klapper contributed to this story from New York.


Follow Elaine Ganley at ?

Associated Press


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

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In a Bind

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Barnes & Noble?s 2 New Nook Tablets Take On Both Amazon and Apple

Barnes & Noble's new Nook tablet lineup -- the Nook HD and Nook HD+ -- is designed to take on Google's Nexus 7, Amazon's Kindle Fire HD line and Apple's iPad too.


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Researchers determine how inflammatory cells function, setting stage for future remedies

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? A research team led by investigators at New York University and NYU School of Medicine has determined how cells that cause inflammatory ailments, such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis, differentiate from stem cells and ultimately affect the clinical outcome of these diseases.

"We've found that hundreds of new genes are involved in the function and development of these cells," said co-author Richard Bonneau, an associate professor at New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. "This expansion in our understanding can be used as a framework for designing new therapies to combat a range of ailments where the immune system attacks self."

These cells, called T-cells by immunologists, play a role in fighting off infection, but can also induce inflammation and other processes that damage tissues and contribute to several common inflammatory diseases. T-cells are also key cell types in new immune-cell based therapies for fighting cancer. There are many types of T-cells, and how they differentiate from stem cells in the human body lies at the center of understanding several diseases.

"We have been striving for several years to understand what makes inflammatory T-lymphocytes special," said lead investigator Dan Littman, MD, PhD, the Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Professor of Molecular Immunology and a professor of pathology, microbiology and molecular pathogenesis at NYU School of Medicine and a faculty member of the Skirball Institute on Biomolecular Medicine. "They can protect us from microbes, but they also have the potential to cause autoimmune disease.

"We were fortunate to be able to bring together a team of immunologists, computational biologists, and genomics experts to begin to solve this puzzle. Whereas before we only knew of a handful of genes that influence the function of these cells, we now know of hundreds of new ones that can serve as a resource for further studies by us and other laboratories. Our hope is that some of these new molecules will be the Achilles heel that we can target to treat these diseases."

The findings, which are reported in the latest issue of the journal Cell, lay the groundwork for understanding how these cells regulate their genomes through a regulatory network that connects many environmental stimuli to a large number of genes and their interactions. This large network model is essentially the brain that T-cell precursors, or stem cells, use to decide what they want to be when they grow up. Specifically, a network model can be used simulate what inhibiting a gene with a drug would do to different T-cells and, in this way, aid the development of new therapeutic measures to address these afflictions.

The study focused on T-helper 17 cells (Th17) and how they regulate the synthesis of gene products from thousands of regions of the chromosome. Th17 cells have previously been implicated in inflammatory diseases. Other studies have also identified hundreds of genes that roles in pro-inflammatory diseases. This new study places these implicated genes on a timeline of cellular development and ultimately puts them together in an integrated model of how genes interact.

To explore the inner workings of these cells, the researchers used a systems biology approach, which focuses measuring multiple biomolecules and capturing multiple interactions within an organism to understand how it functions. For example, each of the 450 data sets integrated in this study contained measurements of gene expression, chromatin structure, or gene-chromosome interaction that spanned millions of locations along the genome. This holistic method offers a broader understanding of interconnected molecular phenomena essential to running life's program -- a process similar to studying an entire automobile while it functions rather than separately studying the headlights, brakes, or steering column.

To extract meaningful results from this very large data set, the researchers employed statistical techniques to uncover the network model from the large amount of data. To verify the accuracy of the computer modeling, further laboratory experiments were conducted using mice. Although the study was carried out in mice, the researchers found that their work could offer explanations as to why a large number of genes are associated with several human inflammatory diseases. The researchers' computer models identified candidate genes that influence the expression of more than 2,000 genes and play a significant role in the regulation of Th17 cells. They found that the core of this network was significantly enriched for the genes that human geneticists have found to be associated with pro-inflammatory disease. These genes serve as cogs in the regulation of expression or suppression of genes in Th17 cells and are potential leads for developing new therapeutic approaches to modulating inflammation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by New York University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Maria Ciofani, Aviv Madar, Carolina Galan, MacLean Sellars, Kieran Mace, Florencia Pauli, Ashish Agarwal, Wendy Huang, Christopher?N. Parkurst, Michael Muratet, Kim?M. Newberry, Sarah Meadows, Alex Greenfield, Yi Yang, Preti Jain, Francis?K. Kirigin, Carmen Birchmeier, Erwin?F. Wagner, Kenneth?M. Murphy, Richard?M. Myers, Richard Bonneau, Dan?R. Littman. A Validated Regulatory Network for Th17 Cell Specification. Cell, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.09.016

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Asia's budget airline boom bypasses China

HONG KONG (AP) ? When businesswoman Ren Hong flew home after a recent trip to Beijing on state-owned Air China, she was hoping for a decent inflight meal to tide her over until she got back to the spicy cuisine of her native Sichuan province.

The airline's meager offering, which was little more than "just bread," was a galling experience for Ren who wondered why the carrier didn't cut both the pretense of full service and the price of the ticket.

Her gripe highlights how Chinese travelers have been left out of the massive budget airline boom that has swept Asia. From almost none a decade ago, the region now has more than 50 low cost carriers. The fast growth of no-frills airlines such as AirAsia and the slew of recent start-ups including Singapore's Scoot and AirAsia Japan underline surging demand in the region for affordable air travel. The rise of budget carriers in Asia follows similar expansion in Europe and North America in previous decades.

But in China, where the government still keeps tight control of the rapidly growing airline industry, three big state-owned carriers dominate. Aviation authorities' efforts to shield them, as well as keep the industry from growing too rapidly and compromising safety, mean travelers like Ren pay up to twice as much.

"I've found that flight tickets domestically sometimes are more expensive than the international ones due to monopolization and less competition," said Ren, a 37-year-old who runs an export business and also blogs about her travels in her spare time. Even for tickets on Shanghai-based Spring Airlines, considered China's only discount carrier, "their price is just as same as the big airlines" during high season, she said.

While Chinese travelers are benefiting from foreign budget airlines flying to some Chinese cities, analysts and consultants say government policy measures are preventing the domestic aviation market from opening up too quickly. China's domestic market is one of the biggest prizes in Asia's travel industry, with 264 million passengers last year, according to the Civil Aviation Authority of China, which forecasts the number will grow about six-fold by 2030.

"The domestic market in China has more or less remained a fortress," Xiaowen Fu, an aviation expert at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, said at a recent conference in Macau organized by the Sydney-based CAPA-Center for Aviation.

Like other essential industries in China, the policy measures are aimed at protecting the chosen few national champions from too much competition. China's three major state-owned airlines, Beijing-based Air China Ltd., Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines Corp. and Guangzhou-based China Southern Airlines Ltd., carried 191 million passengers among them in 2011. But in the first half of 2012 their profits collapsed because of higher fuel prices and foreign currency losses. The rest of the market is divided between smaller state carriers ? some owned by the big three ? and a handful of private operators.

An unsurprising outcome of the cossetted state airline industry is a perpetual sense of grievance among travelers at poor service and lack of choice.

"The food on Chinese airlines is worse and more basic than it is on the international airlines," said 25-year-old Li Peng, who recently quit his job in Beijing to travel overseas for a year.

"And when the flight is delayed, I never get any feedback after my complaints. Many flights are delayed more than two hours" he said. "I do wish there were more budget airlines, especially in China," he said.

China's civil aviation policy hinders the country's budget airline industry in two ways, according to experts. First, it makes it almost impossible for a private company to start a new airline. Second, the policy limits growth by existing airlines, including state-run carriers, through measures including requiring approvals for new airplanes and routes.

For airlines operating in China, "they've got constraints whether it be on operating strategy, or what they're allowed to do at the airports, or how they're allowed to recruit pilots, or what the airport charges," said Con Korfiatis, director of Flight Ideas Consulting. "So the low-cost carrier explosion in China is still being constrained."

In contrast, discount airlines continue to spread their wings elsewhere in Asia. Three started flying in Japan this year, including Peach Aviation and local ventures from Malaysia's AirAsia and Australia's Jetstar. Also taking flight in 2012 were Singapore Airlines' Scoot, Thai Airways International's Thai Smile and AirAsia Philippines. Next year, Indonesia's Lion Air plans to start flights on Malindo Airways, a low-cost Malaysia operation, the company said earlier this month.

Even China Eastern Airlines Co. is joining in, although its low-cost carrier is a joint venture with Qantas subsidiary Jetstar that will be based in Hong Kong rather than mainland China.

The Civil Aviation Authority of China hinted in July that it would support budget airlines by loosening price controls. But director Li Jiaxiang stopped short of announcing any major policy reforms.

The measures aren't just aimed at China's private or discount carriers ? they also apply to China's state-owned carriers. Analysts say policies are designed to prevent unfettered growth. Authorities clamped down following a spell of supercharged growth during which the number of passengers expanded by 40 percent in 2003-2004. Such red-hot growth puts tremendous strain on pilots and infrastructure such as air traffic control and airports, especially on heavily congested air routes between major Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

"The market is already growing at 11-16 percent domestically at average fares," said Mario Hardy, a vice president at research firm UBM Aviation. "Imagine if an AirAsia or a Spring was able tomorrow to lower that price by half. How many more people would be travelling?"

Hardy and other experts and industry insiders believe that Chinese authorities will allow the aviation market to open up gradually so that there's enough time to build up the required infrastructure. China is building 82 new airports and renovating 101 others in a five-year plan that runs until 2015.

"Otherwise it will be a mess," Hardy said. "It would be chaos."

Until then, travelers like Ren, the businesswoman and travel blogger, will have to put up with higher prices. Ren is thinking of going to India on her next trip but is disappointed with the limited options. She could fly with Air China at a cost of 4,000-5,000 yuan ($$635-$790) round trip. Or she could pay 2,000 yuan ($320) on AirAsia ? but she would need to change planes at AirAsia's home base in Malaysia.

"It's annoying," said Ren. But "life is not perfect and I have no choice. I could not ask for the flight to be both cheap and offer the perfect route."


Researcher Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed to this report

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No fix for 'Jesus rifles' deploying to Afghanistan

Army officer, Fort Hood, Texas

The code on an ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) made for the U.S. military by defense contractor Trijicon. The lettering at the end, JN8:12 refers to the Bible passage John 8:12.

By Kari Huus, NBC News

When the so-called "Jesus rifle" came to light?in Jan. 2010, it sparked constitutional and security concerns, and a maelstrom of media coverage. The Pentagon ordered the removal of the secret code referring to Bible passages that the manufacturer had inscribed on the scopes of the standard issue?rifles carried by U.S. soldiers into battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nearly three years later ? despite the military's assertion that is making "good progress" ? the code remains on many rifles deploying to Afghanistan, which some soldiers argue is endangering their lives by reinforcing suspicions that the United States is waging a crusade against Muslims.

"I honestly believe that this is a dangerous situation. It literally could be a matter of life and death for a soldier if he fell into the wrong hands," said an Army officer who spoke to NBC News from Fort Hood, Texas.?"The fact that combatant commanders are not following (rules set by Department of Defense) commanders is very disturbing to me."

The officer, who asked not to be named out of fear of reprisal from commanders, provided a photograph, taken on Tuesday, of the code on an M-4 rifle?assigned to a soldier who is slated to deploy to Afghanistan in coming weeks.

The code stamped into the metal of the soldier?s ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) ends with the model number with "JN8:12." which refers to the New Testament passage, John 8:12, which reads: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Other rifle scopes among some 250,000 provided by Michigan-based manufacturer Trijicon were imprinted with codes that point to passages in Matthew, Mark, Luke,?Corinthians and Revelations, ABC News reported when it broke the news in 2010.?

Trijicon,?reportedly had been following this practice for at least two decades, and it was well known to gun enthusiasts.

But these scopes attach to M-4 assault rifles used by U.S. troops, allies and Afghan and Iraqi forces being trained by the U.S. military.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit group that aggressively pursues the separation of church and state in defense institutions, first flagged the issue in late 2009 after receiving scores of complaints from active duty military members. ?

"It?s constitutionally noxious," said foundation president Mikey Weinstein. "It's an embarrassment and makes us look exactly like the tenth incarnation of the crusades which launches 8 million new jihadist recruiting videos."

The military first said it was unaware of the biblical code. Then Gen. David Petraeus, formerly the head of U.S. Central Command overseeing U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Jan. 2010?issued a press release saying he was "very concerned" to learn of the biblical markings, which were "contrary to U.S. Central Command guidance."
"Our mission is to protect the population we're serving and establish conditions for security, stability, and development, and we strive to do that while remaining sensitive to the cultural and religious norms of the populace we are supporting," he said.

In Jan 2010, Trijicon which had a multi-year Defense Department contract to provide up to 800,000 sights, announced it would stop printing the verses on new scopes for the military use and provide modification kits for the removal of the code on existing scopes.

The Department of Defense said it would modify the scopes, starting with those on bases, though in March said it might take as long as a year.

Not all observers thought removal of the unobtrusive lettering on the scopes was a matter of great urgency.

"I understand that we have already started to address this issue," said retired Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis, in a debate with Weinstein on ABC News in March 2010. "You may argue it?s not fast enough," but he said he saw "no evidence" that the code presented a security issue.

Fast forward two and a half years, and "Jesus rifles" are still widely used in the United States and in areas of conflict, according to the Fort Hood?officer, who was deployed to Iraq in 2010-2011. He says he has never seen a fixit kit.

Weinstein of MRFF said he has received more than 2,800 complaints from troops about the Jesus rifles ? now even more widely known to Afghans and Iraqis, in part because of the controversy.

Iraqis "absolutely" know that it?s a Jesus rifle, said the Fort Hood officer, based on his experience.

"Do all the Afghans and Taliban know about this? Probably not. But the ones who do could ultimately affect the life of a soldier," said the? officer. "There?s absolutely no reason this couldn?t have been done in the first six weeks. And that just leads me to wonder why is the Army leadership not taking ownership of the responsibility of completing this task?"

Contacted by NBC News, scope-maker Trijicon directed calls to the head of sales and marketing Tom Munson, who relayed the message through his secretary that "he had no interest" in discussing the Jesus rifle.

NBC News queries to the military about the plan to remove the gospel-referencing code were answered in the form of an email?statement saying the "corrective measures the Army took to remove the code were still ongoing."

"We had to take steps to ensure the corrective measures did not impede ongoing operations in theater, but we've got procedures to catch this at multiple points," said the statement provided by Matthew Bourke, in the U.S. Army Media Relations Division. "We're making good progress."

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Fixing A Slow Computer Startup With A Registry Cleaner ...

Has?your computer slowed down with time? Well, the moment you buy a computer, you keep on loading data on it. Besides the ones that are absolutely essential, there are some programs which you download unknowingly. Although there is a security threat angle to it, but the biggest drawback is the slow computer that you get during your next boot. For a non-techie who?doesn?t?understand the nitty-gritty behind the computer, you may feel confused and may blame it on a computer? virus. However, it may not be the case.

Companies?today are dishing out ever larger sized programs. These programs not only occupy a great deal of space but also ensure to take up a memory space every time your computer boots. That?s not it, these companies have several business tie-ups with smaller companies and allow their programs to be installed on your computer, sometimes without you even knowing about it. Therein lies the serious security issue as these smaller programs may take away your vital information and use it to target you with better ads.

Is?there a way out?

Even?a genuine program can slow your computer down and bring it down to snail speed. Here is where a registry cleaner comes to use. A registry cleaner ensures to clean up the programs that you don?t need and debars them from performing every time you power a computer. Many programs have a setting that enables them the moment you hit the power button. Now, you may not use them altogether. However, by constantly running in the background and by eating up vital RAM and cache memory, you may not be able to optimize your computing experience.

How?to clean up registry without a program?

Type??msconfig? after clicking ?run? from the Start menu. Follow this up by clicking on ?Startup? button and go ahead with unchecking the programs you don?t need to run during the boot. This will make your computer faster and also virus-free. With users increasingly installing a number of programs, the registry cleaner is a boon for them to go ahead and have a better computing experience.

What?s the way forward?

Typically, it?s a good idea to use a registry cleaner software from time to time over a period of six months. This ensures you to have a proper knowledge about the programs that are installed in your computer along with those which constantly run in the background even without you using these software much.

Be?sure to look on Google for registry cleaner software. Many come free and they are pretty fast. The process mentioned above will help you effectively deal with the situation in case you are uncomfortable with installing a separate program on your computer.

Lastly, your computer should be under your control. What programs go in and which ones take up space relies? upon you. Be sure to keep as much hard disk drive space as possible as this will help you make your computer fast in the long run.

About the Author:?JD is associated with many technology blogs and communities as their freelance and staff writer. He recommends his readers to check this page: slow PC in case you are facing issues with your computer and its performance.

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How Twitter Gets Me 100's of Qualified Real

Next, Follow as many people as you can.? To do this, look under the Follow/Unfollow Users menu and click where it says Follow.? In the part of the screen where it says ?Send Follows Now? in blue text, set the number to a very high number (eg. 5000) and set the Time Delay Between Follows to 1-23 seconds.? Then click the Start button in this area to commence the automated Follow procedure.

From Day 3 onward, do everything that you did in Day 2 every day.

This may all sound complicated, but once you get the hang of it (and you should pretty quickly) it will all be very simple and easy for you to do.? Once you have this system in place and have your list of people to follow, the maximum amount of time you?ll need to spend with Tweet Adder each day is about 5 minutes.

So that brings us to the next part of our Twitter network building efforts.? We need to ask ourselves: who do we want to be in our network?? These will be the people we want to follow on a daily basis.

Who To Follow

Local Real Estate Sales Reps

We all know that real estate sales reps rely heavily on each other: when we have a listing we rely on a buyer rep, and when we?re representing a buyer we?re looking to other rep?s listings for their dream home.? So the #1 spot to get buyer or seller prospects for your business is your local competitors.

Start with finding your most direct local competitors (IE the reps who regularly work your farm area).? You will already know many of them by name.? Look up the websites of brokerages in your farm area, find the twitter link of each sales rep at those brokerages, and follow all of them.? If the Twitter links are not on the brokerage sites then visit each sales rep?s website and find the Twitter account info there.? Also find the Twitter account for each of these brokerages (assuming it exists).? This will likely have many if not all the sales reps from that office following that account.? This is a great way to speed up your search for local sales reps, especially when they?re large brokerages.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jay Baruchel Promises Goon 2

Goon posterWhile diehard hockey fans (like yours truly) try to come to terms with another season-threatening lockout, there is at least some good news on the horizon for puck heads: a sequel to Goon?is headed our way.

Jay Baruchel revealed the news via Twitter. The basic gist of the series of tweets is that Baruchel will team with Jesse Chabot to write the new script and that Michael Dowse will return to direct.

The original film was based on the book Goon: The True Story of an Unlikely Journey into Minor League Hockey by Adam Frattasio and Doug Smith. The indie-film version instantly became one of the best sports movies in recent memory and arguably the best hockey film since Slapshot.

Baruchel promises that the cast will all be back for the sequel and that he and the creative team will "give them and you guys the epic, violent, heartfelt awesomeness that is not just deserved but required." Sounds good to us.?

No word yet on when Goon 2 might start shooting, but with the way things are going we could see it long before the return of real NHL hockey?

[via Coming Soon]


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Dragster sets speed record with cheesy biofuel

10 hrs.

A dragster powered by biofuel brewed from cheese-making waste has set a blistering land-speed record for a one liter, two cylinder engine of 64.4 miles per hour.?

?That, in that class, is fast,? Lance Seefeldt, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Utah State University, told NBC News on Tuesday.

Since no record existed for that size engine prior to Seefeldt's cruise down the Bonneville Salt Flats earlier this month, the the professor and his colleague first?set the ?record with petroleum-derived diesel.

?Then we backed it up with the biodiesel we made from the waste cheese process,? Seefeldt said.?

The waste is sugars that a yeast strain converts into oils that are then developed into biodiesel with a patent-pending procedure, he explained.

The team is also making biofuels with bacteria as well as microalgae, which convert carbon dioxide into fuel with energy from the sun.?

They?ve tested all three in the lab and found them to ?match commercial biodiesel in every way and, in some ways, they are even superior to petroleum diesel,? Seefeldt said.

For example, they burn cleaner and thus produce fewer air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, he said.

While the process to create the fuels is currently at the lab, proof-of-concept stage, the team can produce the yeast-derived version in gallon quantities.

That?s enough, they reckoned, to test the fuel in a small engine, so they built the Aggie-A-Salt dragster and raced at the Utah Salt Flats Racing Association?s 2012 World of Speed event.?

Check out the video below for raw footage from the speed test.

Now that the record is set, the team is back in the lab scaling up the bacteria and microalgae processes to produce enough fuel to race with them next summer.

?We want to run them head-to-head against each other at our top speeds, which we?re confident will be much faster next year,? Seefeldt said.

If all continues to go well, he added, the raw materials to produce these fuels at commercial scales is readily abundant.

The cheese factory where the team sources their waste material, for example, produces enough in a day for 66,000 gallons of fuel.

?You could multiply that across the country and different waste streams and, so it is infinitely scalable,? Seefeldt said.?

If the?technology is also able to compete in price with fossil fuels, then our future really could be cheesy.

John Roach is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.


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Choice Health and Fitness Officially Open for Business | WDAZ ...

Early this morning the new Choice Health & Fitness facility finally opened its doors to the public after many years of hard work.

Officials say it wouldn't be possible without its many community partnerships. Businesses around Grand Forks have joined forces and combined resources with the Park District and Choice to put this facility on the map and make it a "one-stop-shop". UND Tennis and the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center also have partnerships with the park district. Melanie Orlins has more.

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93% Side by Side

For film tech nerds the world over, this documentary about the advent of digital filmmaking and what it means for the old school film purists is an engaging must-see. Keanu Reeves narrates and interviews an impressive roster of directors, cinematographers, editors, actors, and execs through this highly technical history and many of the subjects are truly game. I think their candidness is largely due to Reeves being there. Most seem to feel really comfortable around him, which is essential to getting some of the gold that comes out of the likes of Steven Soderbergh and David Fincher in particular. Editor Anne Coates, the 86-year-old editor of such classics as LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962) and OUT OF SIGHT (1998) brings a refreshing and surprising perspective. Just when you expect the film vs. digital argument to have lines drawn depending on age, Ms. Coates shows a delightful openness to the new technology. This is an astounding time capsule piece which demonstrates how truly far we've come in digital image quality, particularly just in the past few years. There are times where you'll go back and forth about how you feel, because ultimately, both sides make great points. I couldn't believe how terrible some of the earlier digital films looked (TADPOLE or CHUCK AND BUCK anyone?). This may feel really too inside baseball for the layperson, but if you have any interest in how we experience filmed stories, this is essential viewing.

September 10, 2012


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