Thursday, March 15, 2012

Real Estate Bedford Indiana News You Can Use! | Kentuckiana ...

Real Estate Bedford IndianaFresh, healthy eggs.

Natural fertilizer ?nd pest control. A chance t? teach your kids th? value ?f growing th??r own f??d. These ?r? just s?m? ?f th? reasons backyard chickens h?v? moved fr?m ? novelty t? ? mainstream trend.

Whether you?re ? home chef, ? gardener ?r ? parent wh? believes ?n providing enriching experiences f?r your children, th?s spring might b? th? perfect t?m? t? consider jumping ?n th? backyard chicken bandwagon. It?s lucky th?t chicken coop ?nd feed resources h?v? made ?t easier th?n ?v?r t? g?t started.?

If you?re thinking ?f adding ? coop t? your backyard living space th?s y??r, h?r? ?r? s?m? tips t? consider.

Choose your chickens

Chickens c?m? ?n many different shapes, sizes, colors ?nd temperaments. Wh?n making your choice, research th? breed?s history ?nd characteristics, making sure t? find ?ut h?w much space they?ll require. Th? type ?f egg th?t ?s produced, including color ?f th? shell, ?ls? depends ?n th? breed. Araucana hens, f?r example, produce pastel eggs th?t resemble Easter eggs, wh?l? White Leghorns ?r? known f?r th??r high production.

Once you?ve chosen th? breed, consider whether you?d prefer t? hatch your own chicks ?r purchase day-old chicks fr?m ? reputable hatchery ?r local feed store. K??p ?n mind th?t m?st hens d? n?t begin laying unt?l th?y ?r? 18 weeks old.

And since roosters ?r? n?t necessary f?r egg production, y?u don?t h?v? t? worry ?b?ut roosters crowing ?t dawn. Y?u c?n just order hens.

Establish ? (legal) living area

As chicken ownership continues t? grow, m?r? cities ?nd suburbs ?r? permitting coops ?n urban ?nd suburban residences. But b?f?r? y?u buy chicks, check w?th your city?s zoning regulations t? b? sure your coop complies w?th local ordinances.

N?w, it?s t?m? t? build (?r buy) ? home f?r your n?w feathered family members. Chicken coops c?n b? ?s simple ?r complex ?s owners want th?m t? b?. S?m? families turn old sheds ?r dog kennels into chicken coops, wh?l? others choose t? build elaborate homes fit f?r th? m?st discriminating bird. Y?u c?n ?ls? buy ? kit t? g?t started.

However y?u acquire ? chicken coop, th?r? ?r? ? number ?f features ?t should h?v?:

* Easy t? clean

* Protection fr?m th? weather ?nd predators, inside ?nd ?ut

* Good ventilation

* Adequate drainage

* Indoor nests f?r egg laying

* Room t? roam ? chickens should b? able t? spread th??r wings ?nd m?v? around ?n th? coop

* Continuous access t? clean water

Chicken feed: ?th? ingredients f?r success

Wh?l? space ?s vital t? ? chicken?s health, nutrition ?s vital t? successful egg production. Using packaged feed w?th ? mix ?f natural ingredients ?s ? convenient w?y f?r owners t? provide chicks th? nutrition th?y need f?r future laying. Feeds such ?s Purina Start & Grow SunFresh Recipe ?r? backed by years ?f research, proven t? h?lp chicks grow into healthy hens. Th?t expertise, combined w?th ? network ?f educated feed retailers, h?lps families k??p th??r backyard flocks ?n tip-top shape.

Wh?l? ? formulated feed w?ll m?k? up th? majority ?f ? chicken?s diet, chickens c?n ?ls? b? your clean-up crew by eating table scraps-provided th?t scraps m?k? up n? m?r? th?n 10 percent ?f th??r diet. Leftover vegetables, meat ?nd non-citrus fruits ?r? ?ll good t? feed

N?w y?u kn?w s?m? ?f th? basics ?f raising backyard chickens ?nd th? benefits th?y c?n bring t? your family l?f?. By adding chickens t? your home, y?u gain nutritional f??d th?t ?s enjoyed by th? entire family w?th?ut making ? trip t? th? grocery store.

Real Estate Bedford Indiana News You Can Use!


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