Friday, March 16, 2012

Life Changing Tips on How to Overcome Low Self Esteem

Perhaps one of the most essential lessons we need to learn in life is the ability to see ourselves clearly and love what we see. When we do, we can live more deeply and freely because we do not need another person to get validation. Unfortunately, too many people don?t know what their worth and live unfruitful lives. Discover important tips on how to overcome self esteem today.

1. Know yourself. Take stock of your strengths and limitations. Have a healthy perspective on what your weaknesses are but choose to focus on your strengths more. Think of all the things that you love to do. Then-do it! Give yourself a license to enjoy life because when you do, loving yourself becomes so much easier to do.

2. Give. Self-pity is one of the most destructive things you can do to yourself. It will never be of help to you. Instead of throwing yourself a pity party, celebrate another person instead! Give to somebody else without looking for anything in return. It will make anybody feel better. It doesn?t even have to cost you anything. Just a simple smile or a few words of encouragement can give the person the added boost he needed for the day.

3. Disengage yourself from negative influences. It?s good to take constructive criticism, but people who constantly put you down are not good to have around. Notice that people who are negative and are always complaining never seem to be happy. Surround yourself with happy and optimistic people and watch your general outlook and energy change for the better.

4. Learn how to receive compliments. People think it?s humble to think low of themselves; or they really don?t have a high opinion of who they are. Stop right there. Know this: you are important and you are a valuable contribution to people around you. Accept the compliments given to you graciously. Even if they aren?t completely accurate, respect the opinion of the giver of the compliment and be happy about yourself!

5. Do not compare yourself with other people. Everybody has their own story on why they are who they are. You may not be where you want to be and see other people enjoying the life you want but don?t let that discourage you. Life is good and you will be blessed also. Being happy for other people is an integral aspect of improving self esteem.

6. Know that you have a purpose. Everything about you is there for a reason. The family that you have, the face that you are born with, the time you are in and the place that you are at-they all come together to bring you towards your destiny. There is nobody that is like you and nobody else who can do what you?re supposed to do. When you realize this, you can overcome low self esteem.

You are a masterpiece fashioned by God Himself. Isn?t that amazing? Improving self esteem is not a one-time event but a daily process that requires your tenacity to see it through. Only you can do it for yourself. Be happy to be alive and enjoy yourself-life can only get better from here.

What are the best ways on improving self esteem? Overcome low self esteem by practicing these super useful tips in today.


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