Tuesday, June 18, 2013

AMD details first ARM-based server chip: up to 16 helpings of Cortex-A57 clocked at 2GHz

AMD plans lowpower server chips based on ARM CortexA57, new Steamroller design

It's hardly a secret that AMD has stepped out of its x86 comfort zone to develop an ARM-based server chip, but now we know a little more about it. Going by the name of "Seattle" and scheduled for launch in the second half of next year, it'll be built around ARM's 64-bit Cortex-A57 in either 8- or 16-core configurations, which will likely be clocked at a minimum of 2GHz. In an apparent acknowledgement of ARM's superiority at low wattages, we're told that this design has the potential to deliver 4x the performance of AMD's current Opteron X processors, with improved compute-per-watt. There's a clear limit to AMD's reliance on ARM, however, as it'll use Seattle to up against Intel's little Atoms, but will continue to sell its own x86 designs for higher-power applications. Meanwhile, we're still waiting on something more interesting from this union, which might be an ARM CPU paired with a Radeon HD graphics processor in some sort of mobile-class SoC. Guess we'll just have to be patient.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/18/amd-seattle-arm-server-chip/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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