Sunday, June 30, 2013


If you have more than one monitor on your desktop and want to free up some valuable workplace real estate, consider replacing it with an ultra-wide monitor like the AOC Q2963PM . This 29-inch display has a resolution of 2,560-by-1,080, a 21:9 aspect ratio, and an IPS panel that offers rich color reproduction. It offers every video port you'll ever need and is reasonably priced, but it's not without a few minor flaws; it loses luminance when viewed from a top and bottom angle and it lacks ergonomic adjustability.

Design and Features
The Q2963PM's massive screen is housed in a matte black cabinet with uber-thin top and side bezels. The side bezels are curve around to the back of the cabinet and the 0.75-inch bottom bezel holds a small shiny AOC logo. There are four function buttons, a power switch, and a blue LED power light on the right side of the cabinet. None of the buttons are labeled but that's not a problem; pressing any key brings up an on-screen label that uses large icons to describe what each button does.

All of the I/O ports are mounted on the wedge-shaped stand, which has a removable base so you can hang the monitor on a wall using the VESA mounting holes. On the right side of the mounting arm are DVI, VGA, and DisplayPort inputs, while halfway down the arm, just above where it is connected to the base, there is an HDMI input, a DisplayPort output, an audio input, and a headphone jack. The DisplayPort output makes it possible to daisy chain multiple monitors using special DisplayPort Multi-stream cables (not included). The stand has a hinge that lets you tilt the panel forward and backward but there are no height, swivel, or pivot adjustments.

Picture settings include contrast, brightness, gamma, and Eco mode, which is AOC's name for picture mode and includes Standard, Text, Internet, Game, Movie, and Sports presets. Color settings include red, green, and blue level adjustments, Color Temperature, and Dynamic Color Boost (DCB), which offers green, blue, and skin tone enhancement settings.

The Q2963PM comes with a couple of neat utilities, including Screen+, a screen splitter that lets you split your desktop into different panels, with each panel displaying a different window. All you have to do is drag a window to the selected panel and drop it. Also included is the AOC e-Saver power management software, and i-Menu, which lets you change picture settings using a keyboard and mouse rather than the function buttons. Included in the box are VGA, DVI, and HDMI cables as well as a resource CD. The Q2963PM is covered by a three-year parts, labor, and backlight warranty.

The Q2963PM uses an IPS panel that delivers rich color quality and good grayscale performance. It was able to accurately reproduce all steps of the DisplayMate 64-Step Grayscale test and there was no evidence of tinting in the middle of the scale. Colors were mostly accurate; as shown in the color chart below, reds and blues were nearly perfect (the closer the dot is to its corresponding box the more accurate the color) but greens were a bit oversaturated, which is fairly common among affordable monitors given green's huge color space. Fortunately, the saturated greens did not result in greenish highlights or skewed colors.

Viewing angles performance was generally good, although there was a slight loss of luminance when viewed from the top and bottom angles. I noticed this with the Dell UltraSharp U2913WM also. The Q2963PM's 5-millisecond (black-to-white) pixel response handled fast motion video without any noticeable smearing or blur. In fact, this monitor is ideal for watching movies, whether in a separate window or in full screen mode. It offers crisp image detail and the embedded 3-watt speakers are nice and loud, although they could use a bass boost.

The Q2963PM used 33 watts of power during testing while operating in Standard mode. That's a few watts less than the 29-inch Dell U2913WM (36 watts) and significantly lower than the 30-inch Dell UltraSharp U3014 (60 watts).

If you require a dual monitor setup but don't have the room on your desktop, the AOC Q2963PM is a good bet. It offers good color and grayscale performance, loads of video inputs, and multiple monitor support. And, it's reasonably priced. That said, a USB hub would be a welcome addition, as would a height adjustable stand. Both the NEC MultiSync PA271W and Dell UltraSharp 3014 offer multiple USB ports and highly adjustable stand, but you'll pay significantly more for these features and don't get the full Ultra-wide, 21:9 screen.


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Appeals board upholds permit for Christo project

DENVER (AP) ? An appeals board is upholding the Bureau of Land Management's decision to grant the artist Christo a permit for his Over the River project, which involves temporarily suspending 5.9 miles worth of silvery fabric panels in sections over 42 miles of the Arkansas River.

The Interior Board of Land Appeals on Friday rejected arguments that the BLM didn't fully consider impacts of Over the River before granting the permit.

Meanwhile, two lawsuits challenging Over the River in state and federal courts are still pending.

"We can now move on from the agency hijinks and into federal court where we can get an unbiased review of this project," said Michael Harris, a lawyer representing the group Rags Over the Arkansas River, which is trying to block Christo's plan. "We fully expect the court to find that the OTR project approval is illegal."

New York-based Christo said in a written statement that he remains confident that state and federal permitting processes were thorough and complete. "This is one of three legal hurdles that needed to be overcome, and I am very happy with this decision," Christo said.

Even if Christo wins in the lawsuits, it would be at least 2016 before the project would be ready for public display.

He and his late wife, Jeanne-Claude, got their first inkling for Over the River in 1992.

Work to set up a system of anchors and cables to suspend the fabric panels over the river would unfold over roughly two years. The project would be displayed for two weeks in the month of August, when the river would be calm enough for rafters to peer up at the fabric as they float underneath and when drivers on U.S. 50 along the river could look down.

Denver-based environmental consultant Rocky Smith, who was among those filing the administrative appeal of the BLM's permitting decision, said he still thinks Over the River is "horribly inappropriate" for the canyon Christo plans to use.

Opponents contend the project threatens bighorn sheep, public safety, traffic on U.S. 50, and businesses that depend on the scenic river to draw anglers, rafters and tourists.

Christo's team has said it plans dozens of measures to mitigate impacts.


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Judge bars Obamacare contraceptive requirement for a Christian-owned business

A federal judge in Oklahoma issued a preliminary injunction Friday blocking the Obama administration from enforcing its contraceptive mandate against the craft chain store Hobby Lobby.

The action by US District Judge Joe Heaton came after the full Tenth US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that forcing Hobby Lobby and its Christian owners to pay for certain kinds of contraceptive methods would substantially burden their religious rights.

The appeals court overturned an earlier ruling by Judge Heaton denying an injunction. The appeals court then sent the issue back to the judge.

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about health-care reform? Take our quiz!

Judge Heaton reviewed pleadings and heard oral argument via a telephone conference on Friday before issuing a two-page order.

?The court concludes plaintiffs have made a sufficient showing to warrant the issuance of a temporary restraining order in the circumstances existing here,? the judge wrote.

The health-care law with its contraceptives mandate is set to take effect on Monday, July 1, and would trigger potential multi-million dollar penalties if the company failed to comply.

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Hobby Lobby has more than 500 stores and employs 13,000 workers nationwide. The injunction also applies to Mardel, Inc., which runs 35 Christian bookstores and employs 400 workers. Both companies are owned and run by the Green family, who are devout Christians.

The family believes that life begins at conception and that any interference with the implantation of a fertilized egg is intentionally causing the death of a human being.

Of 20 contraceptive methods required under Obamacare, the family objects to four, involving two versions of an IUD and two kinds of the so-called morning after pill.

Government lawyers have argued that the contraceptive mandate is no burden to the corporation?s religious rights or those of the owners because the choice to use a particular contraception method belongs to the employee, not the employer.

Lawyers for Hobby Lobby counter that the employer is being asked to subsidize an activity that violates their sincerely-held religious beliefs. They charge it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The judge scheduled a full hearing on the injunction issue for July 19 in Oklahoma City.

?Hobby Lobby and the Green family faced a terrible choice of violating their faith or paying massive fines starting this Monday morning,? said Kyle Duncan of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing Hobby Lobby in the case.

?We are delighted that both the Tenth Circuit and the district court have spared them from this unjust burden on their religious freedom,? Mr. Duncan said.

The case is one of 60 lawsuits filed by individuals, companies, and organizations across the country challenging the portion of the president?s health care initiative that requires employers to provide a full range of contraceptive services to their employees.

The judge?s order came hours after the Department of Health and Human Services issued its final rules for contraception coverage, including by certain religious organizations.

In a statement, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the health-care law would guarantee millions of women access to preventative health services at no cost.

?Today?s announcement [of final rules] reinforces our commitment to respect the concerns of houses of worship and other nonprofit religious organizations that object to contraceptive coverage, while helping ensure that women get the care they need, regardless of where they work,? Secretary Sebelius said.

Under the administration?s rule, religious employers ? primarily houses of worship ? are exempt from providing contraception coverage in health plans for their employees.

The final rules also include an accommodation for other nonprofit religious organizations, such as church-affiliated hospitals and religious schools. Under the arrangement, such organizations that object to contraception coverage are to provide notice of their objection to their health insurance company. The insurer will then provide that portion of the coverage to the employee directly.

The final rules do not include an accommodation for for-profit companies like Hobby Lobby.

?Unfortunately the final rule announced today is the same old, same old,? said Eric Rassbach, also of the Becket Fund. ?This doesn?t solve the religious conscience problem because it still makes our nonprofit clients the gatekeepers to abortion and provides no protection to religious businesses.?

He added: ?The easy way to resolve this would have been to exempt sincere religious employers completely, as the Constitution requires. Instead this issue will have to be decided in court.?

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about health-care reform? Take our quiz!

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer's Heat Signals Time for Alpharetta Lacrosse, Soccer ...

The Recreation and Parks Department and its partner youth athletic associations open registration for fall sports July 9.

Today might be a far cry from a fall day, but it is almost time to start thinking about fall youth lacrosse and soccer in Alpharetta and Milton. The Alpharetta Recreation and Parks Department has announced priority regisration for Alpharetta residents and "returning" City of Milton participants will begin Tuesday, Juy 9.

Registration for all Milton residents begins Tuesday, July 16. Open Registration begins Tuesday, July 23. Ages and fees vary for these programs.

There are several ways for customers to register.

  • Online registration for those who have an online customer account is available.
  • Download an Activity Registration Form at and fax, scan/email, mail, or drop off the form with payment information to any Recreation and Parks.

Due to limitations with ARPD?s online registration software, City of Milton residents cannot register online until ?City of Milton Registration? begins on July 16.

Ready to coach? Volunteer opportunities may be available to qualified adults. All potential coaching candidates must successfully complete the City?s criminal background check. Candidates are screened to ensure adequate knowledge in the sport in which they are applying to coach. Training opportunities may also be available.

For more information on registration or to receive a volunteer coach application, call 678-297-6160 or email

Alpharetta's partner youth athletic associations also are taking registration for fall athletics. This includes Alpharetta Youth Softball Association and Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association.?

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Google reveals new London 'groundscraper' HQ

By Tom Bill

LONDON (Reuters) - Google has revealed that its new UK headquarters is a building longer than the Shard skyscraper is tall.

The so-called groundscraper at the King's Cross Central development is the latest overseas property deal by the cash-rich U.S. internet group, which will house all of its London staff under one roof when completed in 2016.

Google revealed designs for the low-rise one million square feet scheme on Friday after announcing its move to King's Cross in January.

At 330 meters long, it exceeds the height of the 310-metre tall Shard, western Europe's tallest skyscraper.

Swiss bank UBS is undertaking a similar large-scale low-rise scheme at the Broadgate complex in London's main financial district.

Several thousand people will work at the site - a large scale operation Google would have found difficult to house in space-constrained central London where land is also more expensive.

Google has spent about 650 million pounds to buy and develop the 2.4 acre site and the finished development will be worth up to one billion pounds, sources told Reuters.

Construction will start early next year subject to planning approval and it will be one of the internet giant's largest offices outside its so-called Googleplex corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California.

The internet giant is a prized tenant for landlords and its presence is expected to draw other technology companies to King's Cross - especially small start-ups - and help bump up rents.

The new site is likely to include a 20,000 square feet area for bike parking, about the size of seven tennis courts, and features a climbing wall between floors, a source close to the project told Reuters.

The company's offices are famous for perks like gourmet food, bowling alleys, roof gardens, high-tech gyms and on-site medical staff and massages.

King's Cross Central, which sits on a former fish, coal and grain goods yard to the north of the city, spans 67 acres and will contain homes, offices and shops. It is being built by the King's Cross Central Limited Partnership which includes developer Argent Group.

Google has traditionally leased its overseas offices but in the past two years has purchased premises in Paris, Dublin, and now London, its filings show.

As of December 31, 2011, Google had $44.6 billion of cash, with $21.2 billion of that held offshore, according to its 2011 annual report. If the funds held offshore were repatriated, they would be subject to U.S. taxes, Google said.

Tax campaigner and accountant Richard Murphy told Reuters at the time of the January announcement that the decision to buy rather than rent was likely "tax motivated", driven by the fact the company cannot repatriate the cash to the U.S. without paying a fat tax bill.

Google declined to comment on the tax issue in relation to its new London building but said such a large-scale investment was a boost to the Britain's economy.

Earlier this month British MPs described Google's tax affairs as "contrived" after a Reuters report showed the company employed staff in sales roles in London, even though it had told MPs in November its British staff were not selling to UK clients - an activity that could boost its tax bill substantially.

(This version of the story was corrected to clarify the staff numbers in sixth paragraph.)

(Editing by David Cowell)


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Solar Powered Boat To Patrol Great Barrier Reef | EarthTechling

The Great Barrier Reef, long considered one of the world?s most precious environmental areas, is a massive expanse?of over 2,900 individual reefs?and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600?kilometres (1,600?mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000?sq?mi). Patrolling it is a daunting task enough for?Queensland?s Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (DNPRSR) and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), and doing so in an environmentally friendly way even more so. Thus the two agencies are turning to solar power to help them accomplish this.

Incat Crowther and Marine Engineering Consultants (MEC) has been tapped by the two governmental agencies to construct a?a 24m (78.7 feet) long-range Catamaran Patrol Vessel to work in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). The catamaran will be as about eco-friendly as a boat of this type can be, sporting ?extensive solar panels, high R-value insulation, zoned air conditioning, as well as window blinds and shutters to reduce the impact of the Queensland sun.?

image via Incat Crowther

image via Incat Crowther

The solar energy collected by the panels will be fed into lithium-ion batteries to

reduce the use of diesel generators both in operation and whilst at anchor at night. The batteries are charged during the day by solar power, allowing the vessel?s diesel generators to remain shut down overnight. At these times, the battery bank will supply power for house loads, including air conditioning. In the event of increased demand, the generators will automatically start. Depending on the load case, they will either provide direct power, or charge the batteries.

Multiple drive train options were evaluated, noted Incat Crowther, with ?hybrid propulsion options at the forefront. Long term costs were taken into account, with the decision being to combine conventional diesels with supplementary solar panels and a highly-efficient hull form.?The vessel will be powered by a pair of Yanmar 6AYM-WGT engines, producing 670kW each. Capable of speeds up to 25 knots, the vessel is optimized for efficient cruising between 12 and 20 knots.?

The catamaran is expected to be in the water early next year.


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May Home Sales: Prices, Sales Rise in Orland Park - Real Estate ...

Year-over-year sales of homes rose in Orland Park as did median prices of houses, according to the Mainstreet Organization of Realtors.

Orland Park saw increases both in the number of homes sold and in the average?home price during May 2013, compared to May 2012, according to the Mainstreet Organization of Realtors (MORe).

The village saw 48 homes sold last month, compared to 33 in May 2012. Median prices rose to $275,500 last month, up from $253,000 in May 2012.

Sales of single-family, detached homes in suburban Chicago increased 29.1 percent in May 2013 compared with the same period a year ago, MORe reported. Sales in the 200 communities MORe gathers information on in DuPage, Lake and suburban Cook counties?experienced notable sales gains last month.

Sales momentum is expected to continue in those communities, as the number of detached homes under contract in May grew by 45 percent in those same communities, according to MORe.

Competition in the housing market is going to continue as the market works through a backlog of distressed properties, said Tonya Corder, president of MORe and managing broker of Keller Williams Preferred Realty in Orland Park.

?Buyers need to come in aggressively with their first price, especially on moderately priced homes in good condition,? Corder said ?We are seeing multiple offers and people writing contracts on properties the day they come onto the market. ... There is a buzz going on in real estate right now. People want to take advantage of this market.?

Patch's Mary Ann Lopez contributed to this report.

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No, the Voting Rights Act Is Not Dead (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Pro football player Hernandez charged with murder

ATTLEBORO, Mass. (AP) ? New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was arrested Wednesday and charged with murder in the shooting death of a friend prosecutors say had angered the NFL player at a nightclub a few days earlier by talking to the wrong people.

Hernandez, 23, was taken from his North Attleborough home in handcuffs just over a week after Boston semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd's bullet-riddled body was found in an industrial park a mile away.

Less than two hours after the arrest, the Patriots announced they had cut Hernandez, a 2011 Pro Bowl selection who signed a five-year contract last summer worth $40 million.

Lloyd was a 27-year-old athlete with the Boston Bandits who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee. He was shot multiple times on a secluded gravel road, authorities said.

Hernandez "drove the victim to that remote spot, and then he orchestrated his execution," prosecutor Bill McCauley said.

If convicted, Hernandez could get life in prison without parole.

"It is at bottom a circumstantial case. It is not a strong case," his attorney, Michael Fee, said at a court hearing during which Hernandez was ordered held without bail on murder charges and five weapons counts.

Lloyd's family members cried and hugged as the prosecutor outlined the killing. Two were so overcome with emotion that they had to leave the courtroom.

McCauley said the slaying stemmed from a night out at a Boston club called Rumor on June 14. He said Hernandez was upset about certain things, including that Lloyd had talked to some people Hernandez "had troubles with." The prosecutor did not elaborate.

Two days later, McCauley said, on the night of June 16, Hernandez texted two friends from out of state and asked them to hurry back to Massachusetts.

Surveillance footage from Hernandez's home showed him leaving with a gun, and he told someone in the house that he was upset and couldn't trust anyone anymore, the prosecutor said.

The three men picked up Lloyd at his home around 2:30 a.m., according to authorities. As they drove around in their rented car, they discussed what happened at the nightclub, and Lloyd started getting nervous, McCauley said.

Lloyd texted his sister, "Did you see who I am with?" When she asked who, he answered, at 3:22 a.m., "NFL," then, a minute later, he sent one final text: "Just so you know."

Within a few minutes, people working the overnight shift at the industrial park reported hearing gunshots, McCauley said. Surveillance video showed the car going into a remote area of the industrial park and emerging four minutes later, the prosecutor said.

A short time later, Hernandez returned to his house, and he and one of the other men were seen on his home surveillance system holding guns, McCauley said. Then the system stopped recording, according to the prosecutor.

Hernandez had recently installed the system and had 14 cameras inside and out, according to McCauley, who said detectives found footage was missing from the six to eight hours after the slaying.

Investigators did not specify who fired the shots. They did not identify the two other people who were with Hernandez or say whether they were under arrest.

According to McCauley, Hernandez and his friends later returned the car to the rental agency, and Hernandez offered the attendant a piece of blue chewing gum. She found a .45-caliber shell casing and a piece of what appeared to be chewed blue gum in the car and threw them out.

Later, investigators retrieved the items from a trash bin, and the casing matched others found where Lloyd was killed, McCauley said. The two weapons seen on the surveillance footage have not been found, he said.

In arguing unsuccessfully for bail, Hernandez's attorney said the athlete is unlikely to flee, is a homeowner, and lives with his fiancee and an 8-month-old baby. He also said Hernandez had never been accused of a violent crime.

As he was led from his home in the morning, Hernandez was wearing a white V-neck T-shirt, with his arms inside the shirt and behind his back. He spit into some bushes on his way to a police cruiser.

Later, as he was taken from the North Attleborough police station to court, two dozen supporters cheered, some yelling, "We love you, Aaron!"

"Words cannot express the disappointment we feel knowing that one of our players was arrested as a result of this investigation," the Patriots said in a statement announcing he had been cut.

The team added: "We realize that law enforcement investigations into this matter are ongoing. We support their efforts and respect the process. At this time, we believe this transaction is simply the right thing to do."

The Patriots drafted Hernandez, who is originally from Bristol, Conn., in 2010 out of the University of Florida, where he was an All-American.

During the draft, one team said it wouldn't take him under any circumstances, and he was passed over by one club after another before New England picked him in the fourth round.

Afterward, Hernandez said he had failed a drug test in college ? reportedly for marijuana ? and was up front with teams about it.

In other off-the-field troubles, a Florida man filed a lawsuit last week claiming Hernandez shot him in the face after they argued at a strip club in February.

And The Boston Globe reported that Hernandez lost his temper and threatened a teammate during an argument in the team's weight room shortly after he was drafted.

Hernandez became a father on Nov. 6 and said he intended to change his ways: "Now, another one is looking up to me. I can't just be young and reckless Aaron no more. I'm going to try to do the right things."


Associated Press writers Bridget Murphy in Boston and Howard Ulman in North Attleborough contributed to this story.


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Whole genome or exome sequencing: An individual insight

June 26, 2013 ? Focusing on parts rather than the whole, when it comes to genome sequencing, might be extremely useful, finds research in BioMed Central's open access journal Genome Medicine. The research compares several sequencing technologies in the same individual with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), and shows that sequencing the coding regions alone at high depth of coverage can identify the genetic variation behind this disease, and was also able to resolve previous ambiguities.

Next generation sequencing for understanding human DNA variation and genetic disorders is advancing in leaps and bounds. Whole genome sequencing reads all of an individual's DNA, whereas exome sequencing captures only the parts of the DNA which code for proteins. Exome sequencing is faster and cheaper, but concerns have previously been raised that it misses important information.

A team from Baylor College of Medicine led by Prof. James Lupski and Prof. Richard Gibbs compared several different exome and whole genome sequencing technologies on DNA from the same person with CMT. Prof. Jim Lupski explained, "Both methods were able to find the same 12 variants which affect cellular response to specific drugs such as betablockers, warfarin and the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel, and identify novel CMT-associated mutations in SH3TC2 that encodes for a protein with a role in peripheral nerve myelination."

Exome sequencing had fewer false positives, and a greater sensitivity due to the higher coverage achieved when focusing only in a small fraction of the genome. Consequently it was able to correctly identify nucleotides which were ambiguous when using whole genome sequencing at lower coverage, and so clarify whether they were associated with CMT or not.

Prof. Richard Gibbs commented, "The higher coverage afforded by focusing on the exome at approximately 120x for clinical exomes allows greater precision of exome sequencing making this a superior approach, rather than a shortcut, to find which people might respond to a particular therapy or to define who has a specific disease."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. James R Lupski, Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, Yaping Yang, Matthew N Bainbridge, Shalini Jhangiani, Christian J Buhay, Christie L Kovar, Min Wang, Alicia C Hawes, Jeffrey G Reid, Christine Eng, Donna M Muzny and Richard A Gibbs. Exome sequencing resolves apparent incidental findings and reveals further complexity of SH3TC2 variant alleles causing CMT neuropathy. Genome Medicine, (in press)

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Oprah tops Forbes most powerful celebrity list

By Patricia Reaney

NEW YORK (Reuters) - After two years as a runner-up, Oprah Winfrey was named the most powerful celebrity on Wednesday by Forbes, heading the six women and four men who make up the top 10.

It was the fifth time the former talk show host who runs her own TV network has headed the annual ranking of 100 celebrities.

Singer Lady Gaga came in second, followed by director/producer Steven Spielberg and singers Beyonce and Madonna.

"There is nobody else with that kind of consistency and power," said Dorothy Pomerantz of "There are only three people who have been on every single one of our lists since 1999. It is Oprah, Howard Stern and Steven Spielberg."

Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, who was No. 1 last year, dropped to 12th place.

With earnings of $77 million from June 2012 to June 2013, Winfrey was not the highest earning celebrity, an honor that went to Madonna who made $125 million. But Forbes said Winfrey's position in Hollywood and her presence in the press, on television and in social media propelled her to the No. 1 spot.

"She still wields an enormous amount of power, which is really what we look for in our fame matrix. She is taking this cable network and turning it around just through the sheer force of her will, her connections and her ability."

Despite hip surgery, which forced her to cut short a tour, Lady Gaga earned $80 million in the past 12 months which, along with her army of fans and powerful social media presence, assured her second place.

"She is still a huge force in pop music. Even when she is not playing, people are talking about her and speculating about her," Pomerantz said.

Spielberg, with earnings of $100 million in the last year, was the top man on the list, ahead of rock star Bon Jovi at No. 7, Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer, who makes $400 million each year from ten sponsors, at No. 8, and Canadian-born singer Justin Bieber, the youngest member of the list, at No. 9.

"Between the money and the influence, he has had a good year," Pomerantz said about Federer, who was the only athlete in the top 10. Golfer Tiger Woods was a few spots below at No. 15.

Although only 23, sixth-place singer Taylor Swift, made the list for the first time and rounded out the top 10 along with Emmy-award winning TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.


Forbes based a celebrity's earnings on income from tours, books, contracts, endorsements, movies and residuals. Each celebrity was given a marketability score, developed by California market research firm E-Poll.

It gauged fame and influence by how often celebrities appeared in the media and used Starcount, a Singapore-based company that looks at 11 social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to determine their presence in social media.

"In today's world celebrities have this enormous ability to reach out to their fans, who really are their customers, and to sell their product, which is really themselves. If they don't take advantage of that it hurts them," said Pomerantz.

Pop stars, most notably Bieber, Lady Gaga, and Barbados-born singer Rihanna, are particularly good with handling social media, according to Forbes, whose full list can be found at

Top celebrity couples included Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z (32) and American football quarterback Tom Brady (65) and his model wife Gisele Bundchen (81).

Newcomers to the list included Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, who was No. 49, Australian model Miranda Kerr at No. 100, and E.L. James, the author of the publishing sensation "Fifty Shades of Grey," who was No. 42.

"She (James) made $95 million last year," said Pomerantz.

(Reporting by Patricia Reaney; Editing by Paul Simao)


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Kelli O'Hara and Steven Pasquale join 'Bridges'

NEW YORK (AP) ? The Broadway-bound musical "The Bridges of Madison County" has its new lovers ? Kelli O'Hara and Steven Pasquale.

Producers said Wednesday that O'Hara, last on Broadway in "Nice Work If You Can Get It," will star opposite Pasquale, who was in "Reasons To Be Pretty."

The show, with songs by Jason Robert Brown and a book by Marsha Norman, will debut at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts this August and then land at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater in January. Previews begin Jan. 13.

Based on Robert Waller's best-selling novel, the story features Iowa's covered bridges as the focal point for a romance between a woman and a photographer.

Norman won a Tony for writing "'night, Mother" and Brown wrote the Tony nominated "Parade" and "The Last Five Years."


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Biden reporting progress on gun executive actions (The Arizona Republic)

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AMD details first ARM-based server chip: up to 16 helpings of Cortex-A57 clocked at 2GHz

AMD plans lowpower server chips based on ARM CortexA57, new Steamroller design

It's hardly a secret that AMD has stepped out of its x86 comfort zone to develop an ARM-based server chip, but now we know a little more about it. Going by the name of "Seattle" and scheduled for launch in the second half of next year, it'll be built around ARM's 64-bit Cortex-A57 in either 8- or 16-core configurations, which will likely be clocked at a minimum of 2GHz. In an apparent acknowledgement of ARM's superiority at low wattages, we're told that this design has the potential to deliver 4x the performance of AMD's current Opteron X processors, with improved compute-per-watt. There's a clear limit to AMD's reliance on ARM, however, as it'll use Seattle to up against Intel's little Atoms, but will continue to sell its own x86 designs for higher-power applications. Meanwhile, we're still waiting on something more interesting from this union, which might be an ARM CPU paired with a Radeon HD graphics processor in some sort of mobile-class SoC. Guess we'll just have to be patient.

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Letter to the Editor : Rhinebeck Soccer League and Rhinebeck's ...

Letter to the Editor : Rhinebeck Soccer League and Rhinebeck?s Rec Park , Public Hearing and some info before you?go!

The Public Hearing is scheduled for? 6/18 (Tuesday)

at 7:30 p.m. at the Rhinebeck Village Hall.


The following public hearing has been cancelled.
The Village of Rhinebeck Planning Board and the Town of Rhinebeck Planning Board will hold a joint public hearing in the Village Municipal Hall, 76 East Market Street, Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. on the following matter(s): Application made by Rhinebeck Community Center, Inc. and Town of Rhinebeck for special permit and site plan approval for design of the community recreation facility as outlined in the Master Plan located at 68 West Market St. and West Market St.
Said hearings are held in accordance with section 120-44A(5) of the Village Ordinance.
David Miller, Chairman

Letter to the Editor:? June 17th, 2013

Linda Murray wrote:

I am a Rhinebeck Soccer League (?RSL?) Coach (GU10), Secretary on the RSL Board, wife, mother of 2 children, volunteer, and a practicing lawyer.

Background on Rec Park:
In short, about ten years ago, the Town/Village of Rhinebeck purchased land adjacent to Rhinebeck?s Rec Park for approximately $800,000. As a result, the Rhinebeck Rec Park now consists of approximately 82 acres. Despite its new size, the Thompson Mazzarella Park Committee (?TMPC?) has held steadfast with its site plan that proposes only 1 soccer field and 2 baseball fields. Currently, local athletic groups struggle to find fields, maintain them, and share them. RSL?s enrollment alone is over 200 players and this does not take into consideration the Mens? League Soccer, Womens? League, the Hispanic American Soccer League, the High School teams, Modified teams, Lacrosse, field hockey, or any other sport. Now, put this into perspective with our neighbor: Red Hook?s new proposed Rec Park is only 22 acres and they are proposing 4 new soccer fields and 2 new baseball fields. This does not include the 12 acres that Greig Farm has preserved for its Soccer Club!

Money and Legal Documents:
Dutchess County gave the Town/Village of Rhinebeck ~$285,000 in taxpayer money towards the acquisition costs of the property on the condition that the Town/Village amend the language in an existing Conservation Easment (held my Winnakee Land Trust). In exchange for that County taxpayer money, the Town/Village/Winnakee complied and the language was amended and the new ?USE? of the Rhinebeck Rec Park property was re-defined as follows:
?The Property shall be used solely as a public park devoted to outside (outdoor) recreational uses, both active and passive, and to the extent consistent therewith, agricultural, forestry, horticultural and related purposes . . . Active outside (outdoor) recreational uses . . . include but are not limited to organized sports and related facilities, such as ball fields, soccer fields, tennis and basketball courts, but exclude motorized activities.?

Then, in 2009 the Town Board adopted a Master Plan for the Park which states that ?new recreation fields will take approximately 17 acres of active agricultural lands out of production.? Master Plan, p.1, para. 2. Yet, active recreation in the proposed site plan constitutes only 5.4 acres of space. This is less than 32% of the adopted plan and quoted 17 acre development approved by the Town Board?s Master Plan.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the TMPC has strongly resisted adding more active recreational fields. Instead, they have devoted most of the Rec Park to walking trails and open space.

Public Outcry:
In support of more active recreation at Rhinebeck?s Rec Park, several months ago we have introduced a petition to the Town with approximately 250 signatures supporting more soccer fields. We introduced an analysis of needs for more soccer fields and/or athletic fields in our community. Seventeen (17) people spoke at a Rhinebeck Planning Board hearing on 12/17/12 [one week before Christmas] imploring the TMPC to add more soccer fields. Lacrosse was at that same hearing asking that they be considered in equation too because they have no fields to play on either. Several lawyers appeared on behalf of a Group of ?Concerned Citizens? stressing the need for the TMPC to go back to the table and listen to its constituents and add more active recreation fields ? as they were required to do.

The TMPC has added no new active recreation fields since the last hearing date nor have they announced any plans to do so. Instead, they have introduced plans to the Town Board just 2 months ago showing? NO added active recreation for our youth.

Rhinebeck Rangers

Rhinebeck Rangers

Taxpayer money was specifically earmarked to use this property for recreation. Taxpayers are stretched to the limit today and told to do more with less. Here, the County gave Rhinebeck a golden opportunity to enhance its only Rec Park to meet the needs of all generations, including its youth. Yet, taxpayers? money to improve the Rec Park for everyone is being directed towards open space in lieu of more soccer/sports fields.

Youth sports are vital to our children?s? mental, physical, and emotional growth. Obesity is a national epidemic. Evidently, the County saw those needs when it told Rhinebeck to change its conservation easement before they gave it money to buy the property. This agreement with the County and these needs have fallen on deaf ears in Rhinebeck. I and my brother-in-law (Robert Murray) have spear-headed this effort and devoted 100s of hours on just trying to get Rhinebeck to comply with legal agreements that were signed by public officials years ago. We have 100s of supporters. Notwithstanding, Rhinebeck?s new Rec Park site plan proposes 1 field devoted to soccer/lacrosse on 82 acres.

Thank you,

Linda? Murray

Attached? maps:
1) TMPC Map ? shows only 1 new soccer field and 2 baseball fields on an 82 acre parcel.

map 1
2) Proposed map adding additional soccer/athletic fields.

Robert's Map with 17 acres outlined

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Monday, June 17, 2013

A GIF Is Being Transmitted Into Space For The First Time

A GIF Is Being Transmitted Into Space For The First Time

Humans haven't even been off-planet for a century and we're already leaving trash everywhere. The moon. Mars. Our atmosphere. It's gross. And honestly it was only a matter of time before a similar digital barrage began.

Lone Signal is a project that will allow people to transmit any message they want into space. METI (Messaging for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is not a universally accepted practice, though, because some scientists fear it will come back to bite us. I can't imagine why. But still people are lining up to send digital junk out into the abyss.

The first GIF is going out on Tuesday when the project launches. Designed by conceptual artist Kim Asendorf, the GIF depicts Asendorf viewing . . . something and is aptly named, "Humans Watching Digital Art." Hopefully Lone Signal will make contact with aliens who can weigh in on the hard-g, soft-g debate. Because otherwise, what's the point? [PetaPixel]

A GIF Is Being Transmitted Into Space For The First Time


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Mice in a 'big brother' setup develop social structures

Mice in a 'big brother' setup develop social structures [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jun-2013
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Contact: Yivsam Azgad
Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute research into mouse social behavior finds signs of leadership and reveals "autistic" mouse society

How does a social animal mouse or human gain dominance over his or her fellow creatures? A unique experiment conducted by Dr. Tali Kimchi and her team in the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology Department provides some unusual insight into the social behavior that enables a social hierarchy, complete with a head honcho, to form.

Kimchi and her research team, Aharon Weissbrod, Genady Wasserman and Alex Shapiro, together with Dr. Ofer Feinerman of the Institute's Physics of Complex Systems Department, developed a system that enabled them to observe a large group of animals living together in semi-natural conditions. This setup was a sort of mouse version of the television show Big Brother. Different strains of mice were placed in the "house" a four-meter-square pen and allowed to go about their lives with no intervention from the human team. To automatically track the mice day and night, each mouse was implanted with an ID chip similar to those used in pet cats and dogs, and video cameras were placed strategically around the area with infrared lighting that enabled nighttime filming. With the combined chip reporting and continuous video footage, the system could automatically keep tabs on each individual mouse, knowing its precise location down to the half centimeter, in measurements that were recorded thirty times a second for days and sometimes even months on end.

Because the information they obtained was so precise, the team was able to identify dozens of individual behaviors eating, drinking, running, sleeping, hiding, etc. as well as social behaviors seeking out specific companions for activities or rest, avoiding certain individuals, attacking others, and more. The researchers found that it was possible to isolate and identify typical behaviors of individuals, pairs and groups. In fact just by sorting out behavioral patterns, the automated system was able to differentiate between the various genetic strains of the mice in the mixed groups, as well as predicting mating, with over 90% accuracy. These close observations revealed, among other social features, how one of the individuals became "king" of the group, attaining dominance over the others, both male and female.

In further experiments, the "house" inhabitants comprised one of two strains of mice, the first more "social" and the second "autistic" (exhibiting little social engagement and rigid behavior patterns). The system automatically identified the "autistic" mice by identifying their patterns of movement and public behavior.

In a paper that appeared this week in Nature Communications, Kimchi and her team describe the emergence of the dominant leader and the development of a class system in a group of normal mice just within a 24-hour period. Surprisingly, when they conducted a similar experiment with the autistic-like mice, either no leader emerged or, if one did, he was quickly overthrown.

The precise, automatic, semi-natural system the scientists have developed is enabling a deep, systematic study of the mechanisms for regulating social behavior in animal models; it may be especially useful for providing insight into the societal aspects of such disorders as schizophrenia and autism.


Dr. Ofer Feinerman's research is supported by the Clore Foundation. Dr. Feinerman is the incumbent of the Shlomo and Michla Tomarin Career Development Chair.

Dr. Tali Kimchi's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Joan and Jonathan Birnbach Family Laboratory Fund; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Peter and Patricia Gruber Awards; Mike and Valeria Rosenbloom through the Mike Rosenbloom Foundation; the Harris Foundation for Brain Research; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Dr. Kimchi is the incumbent of the Jenna and Julia Birnbach Family Career Development Chair.

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.

Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at, and are also available at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Mice in a 'big brother' setup develop social structures [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jun-2013
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Contact: Yivsam Azgad
Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute research into mouse social behavior finds signs of leadership and reveals "autistic" mouse society

How does a social animal mouse or human gain dominance over his or her fellow creatures? A unique experiment conducted by Dr. Tali Kimchi and her team in the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology Department provides some unusual insight into the social behavior that enables a social hierarchy, complete with a head honcho, to form.

Kimchi and her research team, Aharon Weissbrod, Genady Wasserman and Alex Shapiro, together with Dr. Ofer Feinerman of the Institute's Physics of Complex Systems Department, developed a system that enabled them to observe a large group of animals living together in semi-natural conditions. This setup was a sort of mouse version of the television show Big Brother. Different strains of mice were placed in the "house" a four-meter-square pen and allowed to go about their lives with no intervention from the human team. To automatically track the mice day and night, each mouse was implanted with an ID chip similar to those used in pet cats and dogs, and video cameras were placed strategically around the area with infrared lighting that enabled nighttime filming. With the combined chip reporting and continuous video footage, the system could automatically keep tabs on each individual mouse, knowing its precise location down to the half centimeter, in measurements that were recorded thirty times a second for days and sometimes even months on end.

Because the information they obtained was so precise, the team was able to identify dozens of individual behaviors eating, drinking, running, sleeping, hiding, etc. as well as social behaviors seeking out specific companions for activities or rest, avoiding certain individuals, attacking others, and more. The researchers found that it was possible to isolate and identify typical behaviors of individuals, pairs and groups. In fact just by sorting out behavioral patterns, the automated system was able to differentiate between the various genetic strains of the mice in the mixed groups, as well as predicting mating, with over 90% accuracy. These close observations revealed, among other social features, how one of the individuals became "king" of the group, attaining dominance over the others, both male and female.

In further experiments, the "house" inhabitants comprised one of two strains of mice, the first more "social" and the second "autistic" (exhibiting little social engagement and rigid behavior patterns). The system automatically identified the "autistic" mice by identifying their patterns of movement and public behavior.

In a paper that appeared this week in Nature Communications, Kimchi and her team describe the emergence of the dominant leader and the development of a class system in a group of normal mice just within a 24-hour period. Surprisingly, when they conducted a similar experiment with the autistic-like mice, either no leader emerged or, if one did, he was quickly overthrown.

The precise, automatic, semi-natural system the scientists have developed is enabling a deep, systematic study of the mechanisms for regulating social behavior in animal models; it may be especially useful for providing insight into the societal aspects of such disorders as schizophrenia and autism.


Dr. Ofer Feinerman's research is supported by the Clore Foundation. Dr. Feinerman is the incumbent of the Shlomo and Michla Tomarin Career Development Chair.

Dr. Tali Kimchi's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Joan and Jonathan Birnbach Family Laboratory Fund; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Peter and Patricia Gruber Awards; Mike and Valeria Rosenbloom through the Mike Rosenbloom Foundation; the Harris Foundation for Brain Research; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Dr. Kimchi is the incumbent of the Jenna and Julia Birnbach Family Career Development Chair.

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.

Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at, and are also available at

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

One dead, three critical after second Louisiana chemical plant incident in days

By Tracy Jarrett, Staff Writer, NBC News

Three people remained in critical condition late Friday after a container rupture at a Louisiana nitrogen plant killed one person and injured several others, police said.

CF Industries, one of the world's largest nitrogen fertilizer suppliers, confirmed that the accident occurred in a section of their Donaldsonville, La. plant that had been shut down for maintenance activity. The incident occurred at 6 p.m. local time on Friday, the company said.

According to a press release from the Illinois-based company, the accident was caused by the rupture of a container while workers were off-loading nitrogen from a truck at the plant located about halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans.There was no fire or explosion after the incident, according to the company's statement.

Louisiana State Police said that the scene was secure and there was no outside impact.

The bursting of the overpressurized nitrogen container was "like a balloon popping," Ascension Parish Sheriff Jeff Wiley said.

According to federal records, CF Industries acquired $150,000 in fines for safety and health violations after an explosion and fire in 2000 that killed three people at the Donaldsville plant. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration records cited a dozen violations that it said posed "substantial probability" of serious injury or death.

The container rupture was initially reported as an explosion.

"There was no explosion, no fire," said plant manager Lou Frey.

As of Friday night, NBC33 reported that five victims remained in the hospital, and that some of the trauma victims would be transported to Baton Rouge hospitals for further treatment.

"Our focus is on our number one priority ? the health and safety of our employees and the community.? We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our employees," said Frey. "Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected and their families."

Friday?s incident occurred just one day after an explosion and fire at Geismar?s Williams Olefins Chemical plant, just 30 miles north of Donaldsonville, that killed two people and left more than 70 others injured.

"The irony of back-to-back incidents has not escaped us," Wiley said. "We express our sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and injured."



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Iran's Rowhani seeks 'constructive interaction'

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Just weeks after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election victory in 2005, Iran's top nuclear negotiator Hasan Rowhani stepped down from the post after quarrelsome meetings with the new president.

The decision cemented Rowhani's reputation as a moderate who rejected Ahmadinejad's combative approach in world affairs in favor of the more nuanced philosophy of Ahmadinejad's leading political foe, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Rafsanjani was rejected by Iran's election guardians from Friday's presidential ballot. But for many reformists and liberals in Iran, the 64-year-old Rowhani is somewhat of a mirror image of the elder Rafsanjani by reflecting his outlook that Iran can maintain its nuclear program and ease tensions with the West at the same time.

Rowhani held a wide lead in early vote counting Saturday.

"Rafsanjani was really the only choice to re-energize reformists," said Rasool Nafisi, an Iranian affairs analyst at Strayer University in Virginia. "Rowhani only got their support because he is seen as Rafsanjani's man and a vote for Rowhani was a vote for Rafsanjani."

This deep connection between the two men could give a potential Rowhani presidency a dual nature: Rowhani as the public face and Rafsanjani behind the scenes as its powerful godfather and protector.

Although all key policies such the nuclear program are directed by the ruling clerics, the alliance with Rafsanjani may give Rowhani more latitude to put his stamp on Iran's negotiation tactics with world powers after four rounds of talks since last year have failed to make any significant headway.

At campaign rallies, Rowhani has pledged to seek "constructive interaction with the world" that includes efforts to ease Western concerns about Iran's program and lift punishing international sanctions that have pummeled the economy. The West and its allies fear Iran could be moving toward development of a nuclear weapon. Iranian officials, including Rowhani, insist that the country only seeks nuclear reactors for energy and medical applications.

"We won't let the past eight years be continued," Rowhani told a cheering crowd last week in a clear reference to Ahmadinejad's back-to-back terms. "They brought sanctions for the country. Yet, they are proud of it. I'll pursue a policy of reconciliation and peace. We will also reconcile with the world."

Rowhani ? the only cleric in the six-candidate presidential field ? started religious studies at a teenager. He soon established himself as an outspoken opponent of the Western-backed shah, traveling frequently for anti-monarchy speeches and sermons that caught the attention of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the eventual leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Rowhani later graduated from Tehran University with a law degree in 1972. He then went abroad to Glasgow Caledonian University for a master's degree in legal affairs, according to his campaign biography.

While outside Iran, the stirrings of the Islamic Revolution were growing stronger. Rowhani returned to Iran and stepped up his denunciations of the shah, but fled the country to avoid arrest. He then joined up with Khomeini, who was in self-exile in France, and the rest of his inner circle, including Rafsanjani.

After the revolution, Rowhani rose quickly with various roles, including reorganizing the military, serving in the new parliament and overseeing the state broadcaster, which became a valued mouthpiece for Khomeini.

He strengthened his ties to Rafsanjani during the 1980-88 war with Iraq and, later, as Rafsanjani's top national security adviser during his 1989-97 terms. Rowhani continued the role with reformist President Mohammad Khatami, who also appointed Rowhani as the country's first nuclear envoy.

Rowhani took over the nuclear portfolio in 2003, a year after Iran's 20-year-old nuclear program was revealed. Iran later temporarily suspended all uranium enrichment-related activities to avoid possible sanctions from the U.N. Security Council.

Ahmadinejad strongly opposed any such concessions and deal-making. He also had carry-over friction with Rowhani, who backed his mentor Rafsanjani against Ahmadinejad in the 2005 race.

Rowhani resigned as nuclear negotiator and head of the Supreme National Security Council after a few testy postelection meetings with Ahmadinejad.

In his campaign stops, Rowhani had been careful not to directly confront authorities over crackdowns since Ahmadinejad's disputed 2009 election. But Rowhani was seen as clearly siding with Ahmadinejad's reform-minded opponent four years ago, Green Movement leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who was placed under house arrest in early 2011 along with fellow opposition candidate Mahdi Karroubi.

Taking a page from Mousavi's color-branded campaign, Rowhani adopted purple for his run for the presidency. It also brought some backlash, including several supporters arrested at a rally that brought cries from the crowd for the release of Mousavi and Karroubi.

At Rowhani's final campaign event earlier this week, chants rang out: "Love live reforms."


Murphy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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