Saturday, October 8, 2011

Almost half of Japan wants an electric bike

This survey from goo Research, reported on by, into bicycles found just over 50% wanting an electric bike, but of course there?s always a gap between ?wanting? and ?purchasing?.


Between the 20th and 22nd September 2011 1,101 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 52.8% of the sample were male, 16.5% in their teens, 18.1% in their twenties, 21.3% in their thirties, 16.2% in their forties, 15.8% in their fifties, and 12.2% aged sixty or older.

For some reason the introduction to the article mentioned that you can get Doraemon and Snoopy limited edition folding bicycles, which are rather popular with certain segments of the population. So there you go.

Bicycles are in the news recently, specifically piste bikes as they are known in Japan, bikes with fixed gears and no brakes except for back-pedalling, so are illegal due to the lack of brakes. I?ve not seen them around my neck of the woods, but seem to be popular in Tokyo, causing quite a number of accidents.

Research results

First, everyone was asked if they had a bicycle at home, and 80.9% said they did. 672 people, or 78.9% of the bicycle owners said they had a standard bike, 123 people (14.4%) a folding one, and 112 (13.1%) a mountain bike.

Q1: What kind of bicycle would you like to have? (Sample size=1,101, multiple answer)

? Votes Percentage
Electric bicycle 516 46.9%
Standard bicycle 312 28.3%
Folding bicycle 282 25.6%
Mountain bicycle 247 22.4%
Racing bicycle 176 16.0%
Other 13 1.2%
Don?t want any 167 15.2%
Read more on: bicycle,goo research


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