Thursday, January 24, 2013

International Budget Partnership: Georgia Scores 55 in 2012 Open ...

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Tbilisi, 23 January, 2013 -?Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) and the Minister of Finance held a joint press conference at the Ministry of Finance where TI Georgia presented the findings of 2012 Open Budget Index (OBI) and a list of recommendations for Georgia.?Georgia scores 55 out of 100 in OBI 2012, which is higher than the average score of 43 for all 100 countries surveyed, according to a major biennial global report released today by the International Budget Partnership. This means that the Georgian government provides its citizens with only some information on the country?s state budget and financial activities, making it challenging for the citizens to track how public money is managed.

Of the eight countries surveyed in Central Asian region, Georgia?s OBI score of 55 is the second highest after Russia, but it has not changed from the country?s score in the previous OBI 2010 which was also 55.

Based on the main findings, Georgia is consistent in publishing only four of the eight key budget documents measured by the OBI: Pre-Budget Statement, Executive?s Budget Proposal, Enacted Budget, and Audit Report. At the same time, despite conducting generally strong oversight of planning and implementation of the national budget there is still a need to further strengthen the oversight powers of the Georgian Parliament and the Supreme Audit Office. Another major finding of the report is that Georgian citizens have limited opportunities to participate in the country?s budget formulation and execution processes.

Georgia?s OBI score over four surveys

OBI 2006

OBI 2008

OBI 2010

OBI 2012






How does Georgia compare to its neighbours in Central Asia?







Kyrgyz Republic











In order to address these gaps and expand Georgia?s budget transparency and accountability, the Georgian authorities should undertake the following actions:

  • Provide more comprehensive information in the Executive?s Budget Proposal on the composition of public debt, impact of different macroeconomic forecasts on the budget, also on the government?s quasi-fiscal activities, contingent and future liabilities, financial and non-financial assets, and tax expenditures;
  • Clearly link program budget to the government?s stated policy goals and make it more measurable by adding non-financial data and clear performance indicators;
  • Publish In-Year Reports, Mid-Year Review, Year-End Report and Citizens Budget, regularly and in a timely manner, and make these and other key budget documents equally available both online and in print copies;
  • Publish reports on how the executive addressed audit recommendations;
  • Expand the oversight role of the Parliament in defining the national budgetary priorities by giving it the power in law to amend the Executive?s Budget Proposal;
  • Ensure that the Supreme Audit Office has full discretion to decide which audits of public institutions it wishes to undertake;
  • Establish a strong legal framework and multiple mechanisms for active public participation in budgeting. Specifically, create easily accessible online and offline platforms for interested citizens to engage in budget consultations on a regular basis and provide systematic feedback to these citizens on how their input generated from the consultations influenced national budgeting priorities and their implementation.?

About the OBI:

The OBI is based on the Open Budget Survey (OBS) - the only independent, comparative, regular measure of budget transparency and accountability around the world. The OBS consists of 125 multiple-choice questions, of which 95 questions measure the availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of the following eight key budget documents: Pre-Budget Statement, Executive?s Budget Proposal, Enacted Budget, Citizens Budget, In-Year Reports, Mid-Year Review, Year-End Report, and Audit Report. The average scores received on these 95 questions make up an overall OBI score for each surveyed country, which can range from 0 to 100. The remaining 30 questions measure the strength of oversight institutions and opportunities for public engagement in budgeting.

It took over 18 months between July 2011 and December 2012 to conduct research for OBS 2012 in all 100 countries surveyed and involved approximately 400 experts. In Georgia, the OBS was completed by Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia).

The Open Budget Survey addresses a critical issue for citizens since it is widely believed that budget systems that are transparent, have rigorous oversight institutions and are open to public engagement can be the best way to manage public funds effectively and equitably. Therefore, TI Georgia recommends the Georgian government to raise the profile of these issues and improve its transparency and accountability standards while planning, implementing and reporting on the national budget.

The complete Open Budget Survey 2012, including detailed analysis, methodology, and recommendations, is available at:



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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jailed Liberian ex-president wants his pension

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) ? Charles Taylor may be locked up while appealing his 50-year prison sentence for war crimes, but the former Liberian president still wants his impoverished country to pay his pension.

The 64-year-old who was once one of West Africa's most powerful figures has written Liberia's Senate seeking at least $25,000 per year in retirement pay he insists he's owed under the constitution.

"Sadly, I am without notice as to why finance ministers of the republic have failed and/or refused to comply with the laws of the land as regards my annuities," Taylor wrote.

The former strongman, whom even prosecutors have called smart and charismatic, ran Liberia from 1997 to 2003. As his government fought a two-front rebellion that year, he stepped down and fled to Nigeria under international pressure. Three years later, Taylor was finally arrested and sent to the Netherlands.

Last year, Taylor was convicted at The Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to 50 years behind bars for arming and supporting murderous rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone's civil war, which ended in 2002. He has appealed the conviction; oral arguments in the appeal are to take place Tuesday and Wednesday.

In his three-page letter to the Senate, which at the time smacked of legalese, Taylor chastised Liberia's government for "mammoth injustice" for allegedly failing to uphold its responsibilities and "a blatant disregard for the laws of our land" by not paying his pension.

He also wrote that he had been denied access to Liberian diplomatic and consular services, and sought diplomatic housing and passports for his wife, Victoria, and two daughters. The letter was read in the Senate this week and is to be discussed again on Tuesday.

Liberia's constitution states "a former president who has honorably retired to private life" and is no longer employed in government is to receive an annual pension equal to half of the incumbent president's salary.

Taylor's private villa in the outskirts of Monrovia is decrepit; his once prestigious mansion in his hometown of Arthington, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) to the west, is in ruins and swallowed up under grass.

At Villa Yassah Zoe, his palace in the Congo Town suburbs of Monrovia, Taylor's wife greeted an Associated Press reporter but deferred all comment to Henry Brown, who introduced himself as "acting chief-of-staff" at the palace ? which is still adorned with wood-carved seals of Liberia.

Aside from his role in Sierra Leone's bloodshed, Taylor is also seen by many as the chief architect of Liberia's back-to-back civil wars from 1989 to 2003 that killed an estimated 250,000 people, displaced millions, and devastated the economy. Various estimates put gross domestic product per capita at less than $400 per year in 2011.

Some believe Taylor is a millionaire. Asked why he was seeking the benefits from one of the world's poorest countries, Brown cited principle ? and noted but denied the claims that Taylor had squirreled away millions.

"Mr. Taylor has always been a law-abiding citizen of this country, and this is the law. What is going on now is not a matter of like and dislike; it is a matter of the law being enforced," he said.


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Information!

Supernatural Rehab (no more slots)

Algatha Supernatural Rehabilitation Center, where people who can't seem to control their "special abilities" go. In other words, prison for the non-human.


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Here is some extra information about the roleplay:
  1. Characters, such as the Headmaster, who does not have someone playing them, can be considered as neutral characters that anyone can control. I am expecting one more Mentor, but obviously there is going to be more than two. A couple more could be briefly referred to and can also be neutral. This ALSO applies to other attendants to the center, because there is obviously going to be more than our characters as a population there.
  2. I don't expect you guys to follow the schedule posted on the main page religiously! It's there as a guideline to give the rolpelay a bit more purpose and order. It will be too hard to follow it strictly so general references are fine.
  3. Please don't time skip anything without permission and approval from the group. If you want to suggest a time skip, then you can add it an OOC at the bottom of the post and give others a chance to wrap things up.
  4. If you ever want to drop out, please inform me beforehand!

More may be added to this thread later, but this is for now. Please leave any questions in the Questions/Inquiries thread. You can dream and fantasize all you want, but some things can't be changed.

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Spiritual Guidance through the Dying : Roman Catholic Spiritual ...

Last month, my sister alerted all five siblings that the end was very near for our 81-year-old mother. She?s been in a nursing home iStock_000019971857_Smallfor a year, but was hospitalized with renal and congestive heart failure among other maladies. I was on a plane the next day, and for six days, was at her bedside. She pulled through and returned to the nursing home.

Many have been through the long goodbye awaiting death. I don?t question why God is dallying.? His timing is perfect and it is not my mother?s time?yet. But it will come eventually as it will come surely for us all.? We all have the knowledge but not always the realization that we are all dying, day by day. And living. It is how we are living that matters and facing death can help us to do it better.

I am not prone to tears but I have my moments. It will seem trite for me to share here that when I bring a family dog in to be put to sleep, I always cry. I don?t want to, and I give myself pep talks to just get on with it and don?t cry, but I always do. We usually have two dogs at a time and we?ve had many over the years, often getting them when they are adults, so I?ve been through this routine several times.? Once the dogs are gone, I?m fine. Only those moments before they will cease to exist give me trouble. It is the spark of life I am crying for; my dearly beloved pet that will soon lose that spark within minutes. It is the spark that makes atheism illogical for it cannot be manufactured in a laboratory or evolved into existence.

In humans, the spark leaves the human body as an eternal flame. We know this in theory, but on a day-to-day basis most of us are in denial. Why else is it so easy to live badly at times?? But at the beside of the dying, denial fades as we embrace a life preparing to leave. We see clearly that time is fleeting; that all the pretty dresses, beautiful collections, worries and mundane cares of the world, matter for nothing. With my mother?s physical beauty faded, it is only her inner beauty that remains. In her, we more readily measure our own lives. Our ties to shallow things loosen as we evaluate what is of value and what is not.

Just as my mother once taught us to pray and sought to lead us to God, she continues to lead us. She waits at the threshold of death with us at her side. You cannot get that close without peering in, knowing she will soon cross over from this world to the next.

In getting to know death, we sort out life. Our vision of the important things becomes 20/20 as we mesh our memories with Mom up against our own family lives. She guides us to live better until which time we will follow her.

Through this process, I have thought of Our Lady of the Conception of the Capuchins, a church in Rome, Italy. I first learned of it through a homily at Mass. The church has a crypt, that contains the skeletal remains of 4,000 Capuchin friars. A plaque in one of the chapels reads, in three languages, ?What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.?? The order insists that the display is simply a silent reminder of the swift passage of life on Earth and our own mortality.

I think I would find this Church somewhat disturbing, not because of all the skeletons but because of the undeniable truth that is presented so starkly. I strive to live for eternity, yet on a moment-to-moment basis, I am apt to forget eternity and think only of today while harboring a presumption of tomorrow.

I need to be reminded of the truth on a regular basis. Holding vigil with my mother serves as such a reminder. I?ve heard many people describe their loved ones slipping from this world unto the next as being a beautiful moment.? It?s beautiful because God has made it so and it is only scary when we deny and run from it. So, my mother helps my siblings and me not to run, but to sit awhile and visit; to visit with her, to visit with God, and to visit with ourselves.


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Monday, January 14, 2013

Ohio family?s tap water catches on fire after natural gas drilling (Americablog)

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Britain set to up military presence in Falkland Islands

  • 'Britain needs to be able to respond quickly to series of threats'
  • Islanders vote on March 11 if they wish to remain an overseas territory of UK
  • 'Yes' vote is expected which could lead to aggressive stunt from Argentina

By Daily Mail Reporter


Military chiefs have drawn up plans for a 'show of force' to warn Argentina against hostile action over the Falkland Islands.

There are fears of Buenos Aires-sanctioned aggression after March's referendum if islanders as expected, vote in favour of retaining links with Britain.

In response, extra troops, another warship and an additional RAF Typhoon fighter jet could be deployed or high-profile military exercises carried out in the South Atlantic as a deterrent.

Show of force: Additional military support could be sent to the Falklands to support HMS Edinburgh (pictured), which is currently patrolling the South Atlantic Ocean, as tensions over the islands' future rise ahead of the March referendum

Show of force: Additional military support could be sent to the Falklands to support HMS Edinburgh (pictured), which is currently patrolling the South Atlantic Ocean, as tensions over the islands' future rise ahead of the March referendum

Ours: A British flag is planted at a farm in the Falkland Islands. Residents will vote in a referendum on March 11 about whether they want to remain part of the UK

Ours: A British flag is planted at a farm in the Falkland Islands. Residents will vote in a referendum on March 11 about whether they want to remain part of the UK

This could also involve the deployment of the Royal Navy?s Response Task Force Group, a flotilla comprising destroyers, a frigate, a submarine and commandos.

Defence chiefs could also dispatch elements of the Army?s 16 Air Assault Brigade ? the airborne task force which includes members of the Parachute Regiment ? which has just completed a series of demanding exercises in Spain preparing for 'general war'.


Islanders will vote on March 11 on whether they wish to remain an overseas territory of the UK.

It is expected there will be a 100 per cent 'yes' vote, which intelligence officials have warned the Prime Minister could lead to an aggressive 'stunt' by Argentina, such as planting the country's flag on the island.

Warning: David Cameron says he would be prepared to use military force again should tensions over the Falkland Islands escalate further

Warning: David Cameron says he would be prepared to use military force again should tensions over the Falkland Islands escalate further

Other possibilities include the harassment by the Argentine Navy of the Falklands? fishing fleet and the disruption of British oil and gas exploration.

It is feared such a move would escalate tensions quickly if the Royal Navy was ordered to intervene.

A senior defence source told the paper: 'Britain needs to be in a situation to respond very quickly to a whole series of threats - that is why we have contingency plans. Our posture has not changed but neither are we complacent.

'There are a number of contingencies to deal with any threat to the Falklands and they are currently being reviewed. No orders have been given to any military unit at this stage but prudent planning within all units who could be deployed in the event of a crisis is taking place.

'That is quite normal. Commanders like to be two steps ahead rather than two steps behind.'

It is understood elements of force ? such as a 150-strong company group ? can be flown to the Falklands via Ascension Island, in a matter of hours if needed.

Members of 3 Para recently returned from the islands as part of a routine deployment and would be perfectly placed to brief additional troops deploying at short notice.

About 1,500 troops are permanently based on the islands, together with four RAF Typhoon jets and anti-aircraft and artillery batteries.

Prince William recently served with the RAF?s search and rescue helicopter unit based at Port Stanley.

A Royal Navy destroyer, currently HMS Edinburgh, is always on duty in the South Atlantic, working alongside the patrol ship HMS Clyde, the fleet tanker HMS Gold and the ice patrol ship HMS Protector.

One of the Royal Navy?s nuclear powered submarines is always on notice to move to the region if the diplomatic situation deteriorates.

Last year HMS Dauntless, a Type 45 destroyer and one of the Royal Navy?s most capable vessels was dispatched to the South Atlantic during the 30th commemoration of the war.

Despite hostile rhetoric from Argentine president Cristina Kirchner, the British government believes that Buenos Aries currently lacks both the political will and military capability to recapture the islands.

But the Prime Minister has told his cabinet and senior defence chiefs that Britain should not be complacent and must be fully prepared for every eventuality.

Guardsmen (1st Battalion Scots Guards Regiment) prepare to advance on Port Stanley during the Falklands War in 1982

Guardsmen (1st Battalion Scots Guards Regiment) prepare to advance on Port Stanley during the Falklands War in 1982

Just last week the Mr Cameron insisted that Britain would not shirk from defending the islands if Argentina attempted another invasion.

Referring to a recent briefing on the Falklands at a National Security Council meeting, the Prime Minister said: 'I get regular reports on this entire issue because I want to know that our defences are strong, our resolve is extremely strong.

'We have strong defences in place on the Falkland Islands, that is absolutely key, that we have fast jets stationed there, we have troops stationed on the Falklands.'

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, said: 'Our overall military posture on the Falkland Islands remains unchanged and they remain well-defended.

'The Ministry of Defence has always had contingency plans in place to increase the military footprint in the South Atlantic if required.'?



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